Tech FAQ Area!!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
Please use this area to add questions and answered that have been answered in previous posts or threads. We can add link to other post or to areas in the tech section. Once added I will lock them for viewing only, similar to the RX/RS Forum.

If you have questions about the Forum please see the FAQ on the menu bar up top.

how can i help my hyfax from wearing out?
how do i adjust the oil pump settings and proper gap measurements?
how do i get my rear suspension back in easier?
If any of you can help find answers on the site for any repetative questions that we may have answered on the site someplace and you feel should be added, you can go ahead and post them in the FAQ area and I will lock them once I review them.....thanks
mr.sled said:
Do you guys have any answers for some of these questions???
I'll give a try at what I would post up

98srx6 said:
Turk, how can i make my _____ beat my buddies new f7 and my other buddies mxz800?

Clutching and suspension work can do alot to make a sled faster, you can find good instructions for the clutching aspect on

here are some instructions on how to modify your clutching
[direct link to pages/snowmobile tech/ clutches and jetting/ changine clutch components]

here are some set-ups that other users have found effective
[direct link to pages/snowmobile tech/ Totallyamaha User Clutching Charts]

Jetting your sled properly also has an impact on power output, here are the stock jetting specs, it is NOT recommended to go leaner than the recommended spec for your altitude/temperature, however many dealers do not set-up the sleds to the conditions of the area they are being sold in. GOING LEANER THAN RECOMMENDED JETTING PUTS YOU AT RISK OF ENGINE DAMAGE AND/OR ENGINE FAILURE

here is instuctions on the different components in your carburators, and how to remove and replace them
[direct link to pages/snowmobile tech/ Engine Info/JETTING - HAMMER STYLE]

if we could get some charts up for recommended jetting on all the different models that'd be great to, I coulda sworn that they where already on the site, but I can't find 'em for the life of me, Mr.Sled, is yamaha ok with you posting info out of there technical documentation? if so I'm sure someone can scan the charts out of the FSM.

Suspension is a whole nother ball game, for more traction off the line setting the FRA to full soft, loosen off the rear shock and tighten the front shock in the rear skid. now loosen the limiter straps. this will allow more ski-lift but decrease ski-pressure. the shock adjustments will also obviosly have an effect on ride quality. transfer rods can also have a great effect on ride quality, if you intend to play with the suspension aspect I would recomend getting a set of quick-adjust ones, as they are fast and easy to dial in.
Junior said:
Can I run regular 87 octane gas in my SRX

What type of oil should I use for my_____

answers: again, just my opinion here

1. a stock squish SRX can run on 87 octane, however it is borderline and the fuel quality on low grade fuel is questionable in most areas, this is why yamaha recommends running premium.

2. as a general rule, synthetic oils are better for powervalved sleds, as they tend to produce less carbon and are less likely to gum up the valves, or rather, they do it slower.

Crude Based oils generally produce more carbon, gum up valves faster, meaning you'll need to clean them more often. however, they are generally cheaper, meaning that it'll cost you less to run them. all modern yamaha's are oil injected and the oil mixture cannot be leaned out beyond a certain point. the stock setting is still safe with crude based oils, so the only real advantage to going to synthetics is to reduce valve maintenance. if your motor doesn't have valves, i wouldn't bother.

power valved snowmobiles
SRX 600, 700 98-2002
Mountain SRX 700 98
SXViper. 2002-2004
SXViper S 2004

also note that premium oils are often scented to avoid "smelly 2-strokes" if you have an issue with the smell of 2-strokes, it's avoidable :WayCool:
Thanks JR, Some of that is posted but I will review your post and see if I can add a few more. I can post anything out of the Tech books if its on my own words. I can also post anything other users supply....
I am trying...I added this section for users to help other users...anyone can add a questions and the answer...and I can lock them. I will do my best to get these new questions up....
heres some stuff

Great idea with this FAQ thing!

Power valve cleaning & adjusting (link to tech pages)
clutch alginment stuff (link to tech pages)
sorry tom, we're not trying to swarm you, and I think i speak for all of us when I say there's no rush on anything, from now on if I think of anything I'll just post it in it's own post with the answer, I can't seem to get a direct link working tho. maybe we'll just leave links to the TY site in the format I did and notify you, you can come correct them, or let us know how to link properly?
im looking for some opinions on how to give my stock 99 sx 500 faster and tune the sled up any info for me please let me know
