My SrX Viper

Concept Carbon

New member
Jan 31, 2006
Ottawa, ON.
srx pipes in my viper

IM currently in the middle of putting srx pipes in my viper. Its been a bit of a chore but will be well worth it IMO.

I made an adapter from a stock viper header. I cut th eflang off the y pipe took some crome molly tubbing and pressed it on one side to match the oval viper flange then made a flange and tapped it so i can bolt the srx flanges to it.

Here is a picture of the adapter.



will post more pics soon.

Installed the adapter and the pipes fit perfect. Got all three pipes in, srx chain case cover in , srx can on and srx cdi, srx rear heat exchanger.

Had to cut a nice hole in the belly pan which will be patched with carbon fiber. the pieps fit and I can close my hood but they just barely touch so have to do some tweeks here and there and maybe shim the hood up.

Now I just need to:

-Change my jets and pilots
- ground the temp sensor with a .3oo ohm resister.
-get it clutched right, Im going to start with
8dn-20s with 4.5 gram rivet in each hole, www primary spring, 51/43 helix and green spring at 70deg.
- figure out what im going to do with my head. ( IM going to try the stock viper head first with an opticool gasket. Then 00-01 srx heads. then possibly cut srx or viper head. )

Im thinking the viper head may be fine as its pretty cold most of the time up here ussually lower then -15c, and I mostly do trial riding.

also thinking of running egts to monitor the pipes. I may be able to get some cheap or free from work we change them on some of our planes every now and then.

AND I HAVE TO SAY I OWE BETHEVIPER BIG TIME, I COULDNT OF GOTT THIS FAR WITH OUT HIM. and I cant forget TURK and mrviper for technical advice. You guys rock and I and im sure others are greatfull too for all the help you have given us.
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if you end up using that viper head, you will want to grind the corner off the protrusion where it gets close to the head. the motor and pipes move around when riding and it will pound a dent in the pipe.

your manifolds look way better than the ones i had made. keep up the good work.
thanks also how much did you have to tap the pipes to get them to fit, im worried about denting the lower outer pipe. So far i have really had to flatten the heat shield where the top pipe sits on it.
so got the pipes in and it runs awesome.

I went with 158.8 mains and 42.5 pilots to start. My clutching is all messed up so I cant feel the full potential reving up to 8700

Here is a pic of the pipes.

let me know if u do a shield in carbon fiber to go under that right side belly pan to cover the exhaust ..
