re-jet after boring waverunner?


New member
Feb 9, 2006
northern ill
hey all, im having trouble getting any good info on my waverunner650.i just bored it .060 over and dont know if i need to re-jet.if i leave the stock jet will it run leaner or richer?my brain is confused please help!

If you're worried turn the high speed screw out 1/2 a turn and do a plug chop. I doubt .060 will make much difference in terms of jetting especially since Yami waverunners are VERY safe right from the factory.
yeah, like dok said... no reason to change jetting. I bored my superjet .50 this past spring and didn't change a thing.
On a 650 it won't be necessary to change jets...if you want to be safe give the highspeed adjustment an 1/8th or 1/4 turn out. It's not nearly as sensitive as a sled AND it's jetted WAY safer.
DoktorC said:
On a 650 it won't be necessary to change jets...if you want to be safe give the highspeed adjustment an 1/8th or 1/4 turn out. It's not nearly as sensitive as a sled AND it's jetted WAY safer.
I didt see it was a only a 650

I had a Yamaha GP 1200 R

Imagine boring that sucker .060
