my new(to me) srx 141..finally!!


New member
Feb 7, 2006
quebec, canada
well guys afteter asking for your advice on what mountain machines i should get and shopping around and seeing kimoaj posts about when he had his longtracked srx was enough to make me fall in love with the srx mtn. at first i was interested in a mountain viper 2004 , the day after i saw the add it was sold, there went my hopes of finding a nice yamaha mountain machine. so then somehow my friends convinced me to look at the summits, so i went to see them and i couldnt justify paying 6000$ for a summit rev and knowing it will probably blow up in 2000kms. so out of the blue one morning i decided to look on a website that always has machines for sale i yped the search words" srx" and to my suprise the very first machine was a 2000 srx longtracked 141, i instantly fell in love lol and i knew i wanted her. the previous owner had put lots of time and money(close to 2000$).the owner had modified the follwing things
-4 inch riser kit
-tunnel extension to a 141
-new camo challenger 2 inch lug track(500kms)
-heelclicker clutch kit
-modiefied suspension( he put a longer shock on)
-wahl anti ratchet drivers
the sled has high mileage but it doesent bother me my other srx is at 18 000kms and still going strong and ive never redone the rings, this machine had the engine rebuilt not long ago and compression is good. now im trying to sell my other 98 srx 700 i cant really afford 2 sleds but if i could id keep my other one trust me.
ive already thought of mods id like to do although not this year as i am quite broke already but heres what i want to do
-put on powder skis
-repaint everything black
-maybe longer track lol
-maybe a big bore kit

well thats about it heres some pics to enjoy, my first ride is in 1-2 weeks so should be fun to test her out



bluebullet said:
Damn that is sweet! Looks like you got her out in the field, been rippen with it already? Thanks Blue

in the farmer field right next door to me theres aperfect little drag strip so its happened 2-3 times i bring her out and rip it but now im waiting for the snow because i already ripped a couple lugs, didnt know mountain machines were touchy on grass lol
srxbully said:
i think that headlight has got to be adjusted though.

your right, when i went to get it i only had my buddies 6 foot pickup with a cab so we had to take the top of the machine back and i never put the screw back thats holding the light
BenderSRX said:
Hey 92vwgti
She's a beauty, how many kms on her?

lol too much im embarrased to say but shes at 18 000kms, was fully rebuilt 3 000kms going to see if i can tough her to 40 000kms maybe set a world record

my first ride is soon lets pray for snow
:letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
thanks guys for all the great comments.... just one question, my carbides are finished what do you guys recommend i put? i dont want something to aggresive and with a long track im not sure which combo would be good???
