looking for Old Forge/tug hill report after rain

Saturday, 27 December 2008, at 12:19 a.m.
The temperature is approximately 35 F degrees. Friday was mostly clear and by the evening, a light mist was falling. Be alert to fog in the area as well, as the temperatures rise. Old Forge has approximately 12 to 22 inches of snow on the ground. The higher elevation areas like Stillwater, has a little more. The lower elevation areas like Forestport have 16 to 24 inches and Brantingham has 10 to 18 inches of snow on the ground. These are estimated snow depths on average. Traffic in the area has picked up as riders roll in for the weekend.

South of Thendara towards White Lake was in fair condition. Continuing South to Forestport and Alder Creek was in fair to good condition. Heading towards Boonville was in good to fair condition. The Railroad tracks heading to Big Moose Station are mostly covered and in fair condition. Be alert to where the rails are exposed. Trail 1 heading out of Old Forge was in good to fair condition. Trail 3 was in good to fair condition. Be alert on the turns as some are icy. Trails 7, 8, 9 and 10 were in good to fair condition, with some icy turns. As you travel on Trail 5 towards Route 28, the roads have thin snow cover. Continuing on Trail 5 past Daiker’s Inn was in fair to good condition. Heading through Inlet was in fair to good condition. Continuing towards Moose River Plains was in good to fair condition, with thin and icy areas. Be alert on the turns as some are thin and icy. Passing Limekiln Lake, through the Moose River Pains was in fair to good condition. The snow depths increased and the conditions improve as you approach the Big T as well. Heading North to Stillwater, using Big Moose Road, has thin snow coverage through Eagle Bay. Heading North on Stillwater Road to Stillwater has better cover, past Trail 2 and 10. Heading South to Brantingham was in in fair condition. Continuing past the Pine Tree Inn, was in fair condition. Continuing to the drive-in theater and the RVI Restaurant, near Rt.12, has thin snow coverage and was in fair condition. Ride early for the best conditions.

When riding the area, be alert to stumps, rocks and debris, shielded by snow. Open fields are full of hidden surprises. Just stay on the marked trails and you'll be fine. Be alert to riding on lakes and reservoirs. Always talk to locals before riding on what appears to be frozen water. Ride At Your Own Risk..

Be alert to riding on what appear to be frozen water. Although everything may look iced over, it may not be safe to ride...

Rain is in the forecast for today, Wednesday. Snow is expected to fall through Thursday, Christmas day. There’s a chance of freezing rain on Friday and it looks like this weekend may be a wet one, with more rain. Fortunately there’s a lot of snow for now, so we’ll see what develops.

Ride Safe… Think A Lot Of Snow & I'll See You On The Trails!!

Tonight's Trail Conditions Are Sponsored By
Clark Marine & Snowmobile Rental
there is a guy with the screen name of Tug hill addict on that other site that grooms for sno-pals and he does a update every day or so with pictures. That's what I look for. ;)!
