Drag Race Jan.23 St Germain,WI


New member
Jan 30, 2009
:wel: We at St Germain Drag Racers are happy to anounce we are officially holding a DRAG race on Little St Germain Lake January 23 (Sunday). This will be following the radar run Friday and Saturday held by St Germain Radar Racers, using the same track. It will be 550' or 660' and really good ice as the radar club shaves Friday and Saturday, maybe again Sunday. We are still finaliing some details like entry fees and classes, depending on turnout. We are expecting a good turnout as many have already verbally committed and this weekend has always seemed like a good kickoff weekend for this type of thing.

We look for constructive comments and suggestions, (our first time organizing this race) and if at all possible we would appreciate anyone planning on attending please let us know. In fact if everyone would reply that you recieved this we would know your email is still good with us. While you're reading this, pass it on to others to help spread the word. We are still working on more sponsors and maybe some vendors to help this along, maybe we can come up with additional bonus money to add to the 100% cash back prizes! For lodging, contact St Germain Chamber of commerece or check out www.radarracers.com website for their sponsoring food and lodging accomidations. www.st-germain.com

Anyone that is willing to volunteer some time to help let us know. Obviously this is always the demise of organizined events is having people to make it run smooth. If there is enough help and time, some exhibition passes and "PINKS" type races would be fun also! Let us know what you think entry fees would be affordable yet worth while. We would like to add a benifit type event at an intermission to donate money if anyone has some ideas. The Radar Racers do a bikini run to benefit breast cancer research and if you haven't seen that, plan on attending Saturday!


Thanks from all of us at ST Germain Drag Racers LLC

Brian Siekierzynski

Greg Byrns

Steve Hausner

Al Clemmensen


B-rad here. My group of guys are planning on being there. Do you have a time yet? I spoke with Greg a few weeks ago if you don't remember me.

Let me know,

See ya soon
3 Days of fun in St Germain,WI

Dates announced for 2011
St. Germain has sanctioned the 2011 Radar Run dates! Practice runs start on Friday, January 21 from 11 am – 4 pm. Saturday, January 22’nd: Registration starts at 9 am, racing 10 am – 4 pm. Trophy presentations are at Timbers Bar located in Elbert’s resort at 5:30 pm. Drag Racing continues on Sunday, January 23’rd from 10 am – 3 pm.
Are you ready for Angry Dave’s Bikini Run?
Yes, the brave ladies are already vying for the fastest bikini traveling trophy while raising money and awareness for breast cancer. You may enter as an individual or a business and the person with the most pledges plus the fastest time takes home the traveling trophy. Of course there is a separate trophy for the fastest bikini on snow! Pledge sheets and rules are on our website or you may call Maggie Clemmensen at 715-477-2138. All pledges are forwarded to the St. Germain Fire Dept., Plum Lake Ambulance, and Susan G Komen for the Cure. Last year we had 21 ladies competing for top honors, and over $12,000.00 in pledges! We expect to top both numbers in 2011 by the way things are shaping up.
Perfect Ice Conditions
Lake conditions look great this year. We expect no problems parking the trailers and trucks on the ice. We already have more ice than last year, no slush, and just great conditions. The same ramp can be used for trailers with easy access located off of Paton Road. Turn at Angry Dave’s on Hwy 70 in downtown St. Germain, and follow the signs. Trail patrollers will be on site to assist with parking. New rule this year; this ramp is for trailers only. Snowmobiles need to use the access ramps located at Elbert’s Resort, The Corner Store, or Hillers Pine Haven. All three ramps give you direct snowmobile access to the track.
Sunday Drag Racing
That’s right; a third day has been added to the venue. The Masters Racing Series has added St. Germain as the second stop of a four race series. Racing will be from 10 am to 3 pm on Sunday with three lanes of shaved ice. More details for drag racing can be seen at www.mastersracing.net or www.radarracers.com
Track Conditions – parking - spectators
This year, expect 1000’ of mirror like shaved ice with 2000’ of shut down for trophy runs. In addition, there will be a 660’ groomed snow parallel to the ice lane for fun runs and special events. A special thank you to Arrowhead Groomers for donating a brand new drag for grooming the 660’ and the return lanes. Parking is allowed along Hwy 70 at The Corner Store Gas Station, Paul’s Rental, and on the ice. Signs and banners will be up to point you in the right direction. Spectators that do not have easy access to the track are encouraged to park at The Corner Store Gas Station. There will be a spectator shuttle running during the event, and watch for the shuttle signs.
new in 2011
Expect the same venues and more. Of course we’ll offer the Friday Practice Runs from 11 am to 4 pm with food and music on site. Saturday offers the Trophy and Fun Runs from 10 am to 4 pm, Trophy runs all day on the Thunderbird Pass 1000, Fun Runs on the Twilight Bar 660, and food and music in the Badger Glass Food Court. At 1 pm watch the Camps SuperValu Grocery Cart races, and 2 pm Angry Dave’s Bikini Run. In addition, we added our Spectator Shuttle, and the Timbers Beer Tent on site. Also at 3 pm, we’ll have exhibition runs with world speed record sleds and exotic machines. And on Sunday, there is drag racing on 3 lanes of shaved ice!!
Safety and Accuracy
Yes, we want to have fun. But our top priorities will always be safety and accuracy. Whether it’s a 16 year old on a 440 fan cooled sled with mom & dad watching on the side, or a custom body sled with multi stage nitrous hooking up and throwing down triple digit speeds we want a safe and organized event. We think you’ll notice this at our races, and we always appreciate your comments.
Additional Information
To subscribe to this newsletter, simply follow the online link at www.radarracers.com. Automatic updates will be sent via email. To unsubscribe, simply email mitchm3@verizon.net and type “take me off you racing list” in the subject bar.
TO: MASTERS Racing Drivers & Media

FR: Skip Schulz, MASTERS Racing Circuit President

RE: New Race to MASTERS Racing Drag Racing Series & Winternationals

DT: Sunday, Jan. 9, 2011

I want to thank all the drivers that made it to this past Saturday's Wisconsin State Championship Snow Drags, the MASTERS Racing Circuit Drag Racing Series season opener. I really want to commend all the drivers for the PROFESSIONAL show you put on!

Tommorrow (Monday, Jan 10th) I will be sending out the Press Release, Race Results, and Points Standings.

As I announced throughout the day on Saturday, the MASTERS Racing Circuit has ADDED the Ice Drags in St. Germain , WI to the MASTERS Racing Circuit Points Series. Those races are on January 23rd. Just so everyone knows, the MASTERS Circuit is NOT running those races. We are going to receive the results of the drivers that are entered into the series to record the points. The MASTERS Season Insurance fees are NOT a part of this race. 30% of the Class Entry fees that you pay at St. Germain will go to the Year End Points Fund Purse.

The classes that are in the MASTERS Racing Circuit Drag Series are the ONLY classes that apply to the Year End Points Fund....however the fantastic people at St. Germain has many other classes for you to run in. Attached is a poster of that race.

I want to thank Brian Siekerzynski for giving our MASTERS Racing Circuit drivers another race to compete in as a part of the MASTERS Racing Circuit Drag Series.

I also am adding the Saturday, March 5th, Ice Drags in Munising to the Year End Points fund. That means we will have 3 "Snow Drags" and 2 "Ice Drags" as a part of the Year End Points fund, for a MASTERS Racing Circuit, 5 Race Series.

Here is the MASTERS Racing Circuit Drag Racing Series Schedule:
Jan 8th, 2011, Wisconsin State Championship Snow Drags, Merrill , WI . Results to be posted WK of 1/9/11

Jan 23rd, 2011: St. Germain , WI Ice Drags, St. Germain , WI

Feb 12th, 2011: Snow Valley Riders Snow Drags, Sidnaw , MI

March 5th, 2011, Munising Snowmobile Weekend, Ice Drags, Munising , MI

March 6th, 2011, Munising Snowmobile Weekend, Snow Drags, Munising , MI

WINTERNATIONALS Snowmobile Hillclimb at Whealkate Bluff, South Range , MI :

ALL Pro Stock and Pro Mod Registration will end at Midnight TONIGHT, Sunday, January 9, 2011. We have MANY new drivers that have registered.
We will accept SPORT Division, and Women's Division till Wednesday, January 12, 2011. We are looking for 1st Time Snowmobile Hillclimbers to 'give it a shot' and enter the SPORT Division. No driver that has run in either Pro Class over the past 3 years is eligible to enter the SPORT Division. The SPORT Division drivers will only have one gate to go around, Women's Division riders will not have any gates to go around. They will compete this Friday, beginning at 11:00 am EST.

In case you have not heard, the South Range area got hit with over a foot of snow this past weekend, and a lot more snow is in the forecast for this week! G & J Construction will begin plowing the Entrance Road , the Exit Road , Pit Area, and all the parking starting tommorrow.
Make sure you make your reservations at the Country Inn and Suites...they are one of our lodging Sponsors. Our other Lodging Sponsor, Wildlife Refuge Cabins in South Range is all booked up for this weekend, sorry.
Thanks everyone...I will have more updates throughout the week.

St Germain Drag Racers LLC:


We are excited to inform everyone of the latest happenings with the January 23rd drag race in St. Germain , WI on Little St. Germain Lake.

Skip Schulz of the MASTERS Racing Series is going to announce that the St. Germain race will be joined in his series as the second of now four races! The first is taking place in Merrill , WI January 8, 2011, followed by St. Germain, then Sidnaw , MI Feb. 12 and then Munising , MI March 6. The St. Germain race will be the only ice race, the rest packed snow races. Details can be seen for those other races on www.mastersracing.net . As of now, if you are racing for points and payout at the end of the season, we will hold back 30% of winnings from those participants only. All others will get 100% of winnings. Keep track of registration requirements and rules. MASTERS does have some additional rules and generally run 500-525' tracks, St Germain Will probably run 660'. Tethers will ALWAYS be required, Snell 2005 or European equivalent will become required and safety vests, well guys and gals, get em, they will be required. If you show up without a WORKING tether, sorry. Not our rules, insurance rules.

We’d appreciate it if you can let us know if you’re thinking about coming, especially if you’re a racer, and looking for more sponsors, from money to gift certificates.

Again we follow the St. Germain Radar Racers radar run Friday and Saturday, www.radarracers.com with a Bikini Run for breast cancer proceeds and a grocery cart race. E-mail any questions or reservations to the drag race at stgermaindragracers@yahoo.com.

Hope to see you there!

Darn I wish i would have knew about the snow drags.I would have entered a few classes.
The race is heating up! St Germain,WI

Well the race is getting close! Ice is great as far as we can see, been groomed for the snow track for Friday and Saturday, Al will be plowing the ice track Monday and Tuesday, shaver will be out Wednesday, we'll start playing Friday afternoon. Radar runs will run all day Saturday, bikini runs early afternoon and a grocery cart race for cash if your brave enough! Sunday am we will move the starting line up from 1000' to 660' and start registering as soon as anyone can get there. Follow the signs into town and turn at Angry Dave's bar on Paton road to the entrance. PLEASE keep in mind this is a private entrance and is the only way for vehicles onto the ice! We can't thank them enough, yet if one sled goes onto the drive we're done. Please NO sleds unless on a trailer down this ramp! There is also parking behind the Corner Store gas station on the curve in town along the snowmobile trail to the lake. There is a trail across Lt St Germain Lk as well. Parking on the ice should be good, better than it's been last year. Generally pits are on the north side of track along shoreline and spectators on the south side by the trail. There is plenty of lake to practice on, if someone wants to practice launches, do it at the far end toward the start, just short bursts only. 2000' shut down should give enough room without tearing up starting line.
We are going to push this right along! Your in Packer country with a lot of Bear fans around, with a BIG game @ 2pm! I'll TRY to stagger runs best we can, we call out racing now, next up and on deck all day. If your running multiple classes, you'll have figure out if it's worth missing your next run. There will be 15 sled per class limit. As soon as you get there, bring sled up near rv to let us check over and check your # and tether cord so we are not bottle necked at registration closing time-10AM! Drivers meetings follows.
If you can, email us ahead of classes running and sled #, with name and address and phone #. Thanks to those have already.
This should be a fun fast paced event, help it succeed! See everyone bright and early Sunday. (See attachments.) stgermaindragracers@yahoo.com www.masters.net www.radarracers.com
Dec 2012
Hi Everyone,

Well the time is coming for the snowmobile season and the St Germain Drag Racers and Masters Racing Circuit are announcing the following dates for the upcoming races this season. Details are being put together and we will be updating everyone as they come. Local and regional sponsorship is still needed to further grow this surging sport and offers a great advertising avenue. At the St Germain Wisconsin race, which follows the ever growing and popular radar run Friday and Saturday, we will be looking to expand a 'Vendor Alley' allowing retailers and swap meeters a chance to show their goods to traveling spectators into the sport that weekend supporting the local area economy. Also anyone willing and able to volunteer in any way, please contact us as this has been key to any function and the more people helping, the better the show and the more people will keep coming. As you will notice, this years race in St Germain is on the super bowl weekend, so we will be trying to wrap up the awards early evening so all who wish to get seated for the big game will be able to. We had to move the date as the Eagle River Derby moved into our normal weekend and this weekend interfered the least with other radar runs and drag races in the area. We are also trying gather enough money to offer up as bonus money on top of the purse money. Drag racing offers anyone a chance to race their sled against others and the fastest sled doesn't always win! Keep an eye on www.mastersracing.net and radarracers.com for more info and don't be afraid to send us an email with any questions at stgermaindragracers@yahoo.com Anyone wishing to have access to our racing calendar or wants us to add their event, let us know. This will also let us know you are recieving this and makes sure your email address is on our list to keep everyone informed. Thanks, (p.s. - More races being worked on for points series and otherwise!)

Jan 14th-Merrill,WI Hard-Packed Snow Drags
Jan 21st-Gogebic Lake,MI (UP) ice race -(tenitve)
Feb 5th- St. Germain,WI Ice Drags
Feb 12th-Sidnaw,MI (UP) Snow Drags
April 7th- Marquette,MI (UP) Mtn Uphill Drags
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Do you guys have your own rules up there for the fri and sat radar runs? Or are you using NSSR or ISR Rules?? The rules on your websith are quite limited.
Hi, We use the ISR Rules as our main guide lines. We've added some extra rules on our site to accommodate some areas and classes the ISR didn't address or just helped with some of the basic questions we get often. Bottom line, we tech line the ISR guidelines call for and try to run the same sort of race.

Admittedly, we're not anal on weights. Also, We don't weigh the sleds or tear down the engine or measure the bore of the cylinders with a micrometer. We wait for someone to shatter a world speed record in a particular class before we "retech" them.

Happy Holidays!

Hiller's Pine Haven
