2011-12 ice/snow races St Germain,WI


New member
Jan 30, 2009
Dec 2012
Hi Everyone,

Well the time is coming for the snowmobile season and the St Germain Drag Racers and Masters Racing Circuit are announcing the following dates for the upcoming races this season. Details are being put together and we will be updating everyone as they come. Local and regional sponsorship is still needed to further grow this surging sport and offers a great advertising avenue. At the St Germain Wisconsin race, which follows the ever growing and popular radar run Friday and Saturday, we will be looking to expand a 'Vendor Alley' allowing retailers and swap meeters a chance to show their goods to traveling spectators into the sport that weekend supporting the local area economy. Also anyone willing and able to volunteer in any way, please contact us as this has been key to any function and the more people helping, the better the show and the more people will keep coming. As you will notice, this years race in St Germain is on the super bowl weekend, so we will be trying to wrap up the awards early evening so all who wish to get seated for the big game will be able to. We had to move the date as the Eagle River Derby moved into our normal weekend and this weekend interfered the least with other radar runs and drag races in the area. We are also trying gather enough money to offer up as bonus money on top of the purse money. Drag racing offers anyone a chance to race their sled against others and the fastest sled doesn't always win! Keep an eye on www.mastersracing.net and www.radarracers.com for more info and don't be afraid to send us an email with any questions at stgermaindragracers@yahoo.com Anyone wishing to have access to our racing calendar or wants us to add their event, let us know. This will also let us know you are recieving this and makes sure your email address is on our list to keep everyone informed. Thanks, (p.s. - More races being worked on for points series and otherwise!)

Jan 14th-Merrill,WI Hard-Packed Snow Drags
Jan 21st-Gogebic Lake,MI (UP) ice race -(tenitve)
Feb 5th- St. Germain,WI Ice Drags
Feb 18th-Sidnaw,MI (UP) Snow Drags
April 7th- Marquette,MI (UP) Mtn Uphill Drags

Well now we are getting close to race day! Febuary 3-5, 2012 in St Germain is looking to be an exciting weekend for everyone to enjoy. We now have a new Portatree timing system that we will be implementing for the 'speed runs' Friday and Saturday on the 1000' ice track and on Sunday two lanes of drag racing on 660' of shaved ice! We may also have a timer set up on the Friday and Saturday 660' snow speed run. Sunday's races will have 60', MPH, and E.T. times for those looking to tune while running. This Drag race will also be a part of the Masters Racing circuit for points, bringing in a number of racers from the U.P. (www.mastersracing.net) Registration will be 7-8:30 am, racing by 9:15. Fees range from $15-$40 plus a insurance fee of $5 for preregistrations, $10 day of the race. We will have stock, improved and modified races of 440-open classes. Keep in mind points racers give a portion to end of year payout. Please let us know if running for points so we can pay accordingly. Open Mod is a bring all you have...turbo, nitrous, supercharger. TOP GUN is a new class started this year by the Masters Circuit for naturally aspirated sleds up to 1200cc only. Those over 1200 cc will need to run OPEN MOD. We will be checking for nitrous through out the race. Anyone caught with a nitrous bottle in their sled in any class but OPEN MOD will be disqualified and no money paid back. All 120's will recieve a trophy

The second thing we are happy to announce is we will have at least a $200 bonus in the OPEN MOD class on top of the purse generated from entry fees. Also will be adding a cash purse to MOD 600 as well. As we get more sponsors, other classes may also get awarded bonus money as well. Again, we really would like some sort of idea of who is planning on coming. We have a number of vendors coming and want to be able to show them people are coming. Sponsors are a benifit to our clubs and we want to pay them back.

We are also bringing preorders of VP race fuels to the track if anyone is interested. As an event special, we are offering a $5 off all preorders of 5 gallon pails. (C12, C14,C16, Q16, Import, ect.) Let us know in time to get in stock to bring. stgermaindragracers@yahoo.com

Check out the www.radarracers.com site or email us at stgermaindragracers@yahoo.com with any responses. Or just show up in St Germain,WI for the weekend and join us for some fun. Once again there will be grocery cart race and the ever popular bikini run for Susan G Komen for the Cure fund raiser.

Anyone looking to join our Vendor Alley, we welcome you. Fees will be donations to ST Germain Drag Racers and consideration for first opportunity to spots next year. We have a number of vendors already onboard and more still coming.
Thanks to early sponsors helping kick this event off include Timbers Bar and Grill, Parsons of Eagle River, and Shoeder's RV and Marine.
