head gasket thinning question


New member
Nov 20, 2014
upstate ny, greenfield center
so I picked up a 97 vmax 600 for cheap and just finished up a rebuild. have yet to throw coolant in. ive left the head gasket stock but have been thinking more and more about removing the center layer. problem is the new one is already torqued down. is it too late to remove and just retorque to spec and not have a leak issue? is it best to just leave well enough alone? if I do thin do I need to rejet? or other stuff?

It would be fine to remove and mod that gasket. I would use either spray Copper coat or High-Tack to insure no leaks. I personally would not remove more that 1 layer on a 97+ twin.
really think the copper coat is necessary? its never been ran and no coolant yet. I've used the copper spray in the past and its never worked out. always leaked.
if ya want to do this, call cometic and get new. especially on those gaskets. that could be big trouble with coolant if not set. 3:16x (yammie tony)
thanks for the info. guess I'm gonna just leave well enough alone. its already on so is what it is for now. probly best of like this for break in anyways. hope spray isn't needed for a new install cuz I didn't use any!
