Question about 97 SX700 Ignition Problems


Dec 8, 2010
IThe k97 and I believe the 98 SX700 models have their 3 coils hooked up in series, so if the first or any of the coils go bad, will that result in a loss of spark on all plugs or just the one with the fault coil? I have a friend who just lost his ignition on all three. We substituted the ECU, or CDI box, whatever it is called and there was no change, his worked on my sled from which I removed it, so that's good. I offered to allow him to use the coils from my sled to confirm that his weren't the issue, and even provided the pages from the manual to test, all the coils and spark plug caps. I've had those fail more often that you would imagine. He kind of jumped the gun and ordered a stator, which of course could be his problem.

But back to the original question, with those cois being hooked in series, if one fails do they all? Or at least is that conceivable.

Thanks, Ron

Depends on witch side of the coil winding.

If their is a break in the primary side of one of the coils witch are the circuits that are in series, Yes all the coils can be effected, but if its on the secondary side of the coil windings witch are the circuits that leads to the spark plugs and to ground , only one cylinder may me effected.

Often a dead cylinder is caused by the spark plug caps breaking down internally, so it's often recommended to start with fresh plugs and caps
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