Doo & Cat Spankin SRX
New member
I'm at my witts end! I've got the starter in, cables ran. I used the power valve tester connector as a power source and added the red with white trace wire to it for the switched 12V at the key switch. I've got power to the top 2 terminals on the relay. When I plug in the power wire to the hot side of the relay it puts 12V to the engine case! In my mind I'm thinking I need 12V constant 12V switch wire and a ground to the relay.

Super Moderator
Man I’ve done a bunch of these on all different proaction sleds. They are all the same. Even SRX. This should be plug and play. Even if you didn’t have lead from starter relay to e start plug on harness still just a mater of hardwiring or ordering correct lead. Any pics of what you have going on as I’m confused. Pics are worth a million words In this case.

Super Moderator
Read this also. Only issue with this install should be battery location but it sounds like ya got that.
Read this also. Only issue with this install should be battery location but it sounds like ya got that.
Doo & Cat Spankin SRX
New member
Yamaha never made a plug and play kit for the srx to my knowledge. They did for sxr as I've already put one on my wife's sled along with reverse. But anyway the power valve test plug has power and ground so I just added the red with white trace to it from the key switch. Then got the relay wire kit for a sxr as it plugs in to the servo tester and technically should be set up to start. I'll try to add pics of what I've got going on here soon as I figure out how lol
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Super Moderator
You keep referring to servo test plug, That is the e start plug also if we’re talking about same thing. That’s all you need, It should have 3 wires. That goes directly back to relay and that should be it. The key is already prewired for the e start.
Doo & Cat Spankin SRX
New member
This is a srx not an sxr. The srx servo plug only has 2 wires red and a black. The key switch is missing the red with white trace on the srx as they were never designed to have electric start. The sxr however came with a similar plug prewired with red, black and a red with white tracer to add electric start. On the sxr you just buy the relay wire plug it in and your done. I assumed the srx would be the same set up I would just need to run the red with white trace wire from the harness side of the key switch to the servo test plug. Obviously I assumed wrong

OK. Trying to do this from memory as I don't have my sleds here. Heavy battery cable (pos) to one side of starter relay, the other side of starter relay to the starter, simple. Another wire lead from battery (pos) goes to the RED wire at the voltage regulator. This now provides battery power to the key switch (through the red/yellow wire which branches off of the main RED wire). Out from the key switch, the red/white wire goes down to the starter relay COIL (pos) to energize it. Obviously add all the necessary ground wires back to the motor. I would keep the main lead (going to starter) off until you verify your control wiring to the coil. When using the key in the start position you should hear the relay "click" on and off.
Sorry, just re-read your post. Is this a 2000 or 2001 SRX? The key switches are different and / or has someone changed the key switch?

Super Moderator
Sorry, just re-read your post. Is this a 2000 or 2001 SRX? The key switches are different and / or has someone changed the key switch?
My thoughts. My buddies SRX has a 3 prong already on harness. Key switch is same. this Has me stumped. I realize the SRX was not set up for e start from factory but wiring is still there unless I was dreaming when I saw it.
Doo & Cat Spankin SRX
New member
Thanks for the help everyone but I finally figured out what was going on. My ground wire at the case wasn't crimped good and sending 12V back to the engine. The way I did the wiring was right. I just spent 3 days chasing a bad ground!
Doo & Cat Spankin SRX
New member
Super1c I sent you a pm
New member
ok. so I am doing an e start on my srx and I have three wires on that plug (assuming im looking at the right plug... the white plug coming out from the back of the air box on the left side of the sled?? If that is the right plug, do i just plug into that with the e start harness i have from a vmax 700? I dont have the harness yet so im really not sure about this. Also was wondering if this set will charge the battery? I am thinking of running a earth-x lipo. I am going to start a new thread on this but thought i would chime in here first

Super Moderator
That sounds like right plug. What color are three wires? And it will charge the battery. Odds are it won’t plug in as the harness changed over the years. Just cut and slice together.
New member
That sounds like right plug. What color are three wires? And it will charge the battery. Odds are it won’t plug in as the harness changed over the years. Just cut and slice together.
2 red wires and one black wire. No tracer color on either red wire going into the plug and the other end of the plug has all three holes plugged off with what looks like rubber plugs. What do I need for cold cranking amps to start this thing. I found a lipo from earthx batteries that is pretty small with 140 cca. Just not sure that will be enough? Does anyone know what the starter has/calls for or recommend for amp draw?
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140 is too little, if I remember correctly, a stock venture 500 battery has like 210 or something, and that is for a twin.
New member
Hey guys, I have a 99 SRX and I’m tired of destroying my shoulder. What it did you all buy to install on the SRX?
Also does anyone know where I can get a rebuild kit for the fuel pump? I found one on eBay about 5 years ago, but my diaphragm has a rip in it and I need a new one, just can’t find one.
Also does anyone know where I can get a rebuild kit for the fuel pump? I found one on eBay about 5 years ago, but my diaphragm has a rip in it and I need a new one, just can’t find one.
mortstock, it is the same kit every one uses for an sxr tripple, sx viper ot sx venture. on srx though, every one says you need to run an aftermarket can to have room for the battery. never installed one on srx myself. but did help brother put one on his viper. only warning is to put green lock tight onto the bolts that hold the ring gear on the clutch.