700sx belt 8dn,8ch??


Mar 26, 2005
eastern ont.canada
was there an actual update(from yamaha)? i see in older yammy litterature they call for 8ch,the newer calls for 8dn (which is longer) is there a c to c spec to change to while using the 8dn thanks (i could not find doing a search)

They had an update, unfortunatly I dont have the details handy but by memory it seems as if they changed the rollers and adjusted the rivits in the stock weights slightly to bring the R's back down with the harder 8 DN belt. There was no center to center adjustment needed, but you may have to play with your belt height. I have the update at home, I will try to check tonight and post it here.
The adjustment/update was to install a set of belt deflection washers behind the secondary set screws; add heavier rivets to the primary weights & just run the belt. try a 4.5 gram inner & a 3.6 gram tip in a 97-99 sx 700.
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In the 2000 Tech Update manual it states the following for the 97 SX700 8CH to 8DN belt change

Primary clutch
Outside rivet 10.3(2.4 grams) stock - new 13.9(3.6 grams)
Inside rivet 13.3(3.1 grams) stock - new 13.9(3.6 grams)
Rollers 15mm stock - new 14.5mm

Secondary clutch
stock .5mm shim - add one shim behind adj screws for 1mm total

As Turk said just adding a heavier weight to the flywieghts should overcome the need for a roller change, he is the in resident expert here and he usually nails it !!
