Power valves upside down?!


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Just put the motor back in the viper after a crank failure in the U.P. last week. It fired right up and ran great but I forgot which way the valves go!! I put them in with the long side facing up so the bevel faces down. Is this correct? It hard to tell from the manual. Also, I ran it and topped of the coolant but didnt get fluid from the bleeder bolt in the head. I remember bleeding the back when I installed the srx rear cooler but I dont think I messed with the bleeder in the head? that was many thousand miles ago! I thank you for any input in advance.
Probably run like crap and blow a lot of oil/fuel past the seals on the valve hsg.Pretty sure they won't hit the rings anyway.
Thanks guys. All the other engine parts have markings for orientation, wonder why the valves dont? O well, got it figured out now.
OK, I just tried putting a power valve in the cylinder in the correct orientation ( with the bevel facing down) and then upside down. It is clear that they bevel must face DOWN. The power valve will fit in both orientations and will not hit the piston either way. The power valve bottoms out in the power valve channel in the cylinder.
