I need to synch my carbs on my 700 triple.
I have read about the "drill bit method", but don't understand.
Can anyone explain?
I need to synch my carbs on my 700 triple.
I have read about the "drill bit method", but don't understand.
Can anyone explain?
Get a set of feeler gauges. Use them to determine the slide height of the center slide. Set the other two to the same.
spwild47 said:Hi,
I need to synch my carbs on my 700 triple.
I have read about the "drill bit method", but don't understand.
Can anyone explain?
Why do you think you need to synch them?
If the carbs are racked they typically stay put unlike cable driven slides.
FYI, the drill bit method basically uses a drill bit that goes between the slide and carb bore and is used to set all three slides at the same level first at part throttle (via cable adjusters) and at idle.
A drill bit is used because the clearance you're measuring changes depending on where you put the measuring device. The bit centers itself in the carb bore allowing for a more precise measurement.
s fortuna said:
Guess I've been doing it backwards all these years. ;>)
Wow that worked!
Well the master carb was off by just a hair...set it to 2.5mm from about 2 and started and it roared right up and purred for me.
Thanks everyone..I used a 3/32 drill bit which is 2.3 mm for adjustment...
Well the master carb was off by just a hair...set it to 2.5mm from about 2 and started and it roared right up and purred for me.
Thanks everyone..I used a 3/32 drill bit which is 2.3 mm for adjustment...
spwild47 said:Well the master carb was off by just a hair...set it to 2.5mm from about 2 and started and it roared right up and purred for me.
Thanks everyone..I used a 3/32 drill bit which is 2.3 mm for adjustment...
I thought the master carb was non adjustable.
snopax said:I thought the master carb was non adjustable.
I found 2.5 mm (spec) was to low of an idle (approx. 1,000 RPM). Good starting point to set all 3 slides to that and go from there. Also make sure they are all wide open at same time as well.
New member
I'm with Snopax. I was under the impression the middle slide was non-adjustable? Is it adjustable? If so, to what spec?
Different people view things differently... "IF" the center carb is master (no adjustable nut inside carb body) then you would set the gap to lightly graze or just clear the drill bit by using the idle adjuster, then adjust the other two carbs the same way(by rotating the eccentric cams in the carb bodies) as long as all 3 are at the same height when done then they "should" be good(the same) at all throttle positions. Essentially your drill bit is used as a feeler gauge.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I used the drill bit method, then verified it with a unisynch. It was perfect. Still is.
I know someone who has one of those..my DEALER!
I just want to pay him the $$$ to hand it over the counter!
I just want to pay him the $$$ to hand it over the counter!
I have one some where.... The last time I seen it it was at my dads house(200 miles away)....A couple of bucks said:Do ya know anyone who might have one of these?