Twisting Trails Snow Drags Feb 16 2013

New member
Dec 13, 2009
The 2013 Twisting Trails 500 Snow Drags will be held Feburary 16th 2013 at the Twisting Trails drag way located at 5875 E. Ruprecht Road Twin Lake Michigan. This event will feature grudge style snowmobile drag racing open to the public. That’s right race your buddy all day long on a 500’ long snow drag strip complete with a Race America timeing system with printed time slips showing the reaction time, elasped time and finish order first thru forth in all four lanes. Now keep in mind you don’t need a drag sled to compete at this event, the race is ment to offer track time to the average trail rider any snowmobile will do new, old, heck even a two up sled can race. There are no classes there are no rules you are out there racing your buddys or who ever is in the lane next to you all day long. The race works like this you either ride your sled to the race track from the state trail #19 or trailer them to the race track after stoping at the gate give the nice people working the gate $10.00 per person children under 12 are free. Then look for the staging lanes near the start line of the drag strip, drive your sled into the staging lane and one of the Yankee Zephyr Racing Officials will sell you a special event sticker to place on your sled for $20.00 showing you have paid for track time to run all day as many times as you like racing who ever you like. There will be a Yankee Zephyr Racing Official at the end of the staging lane allowing four at a time to enter the starting area when you approach the starting line pull into the beams untill the staging lights turn on you have a 16 inch window to be either deep or shallow according to your distance away from the guard beam. Once all four sleds are staged the starter will point to each driver making sure he or she is ready to race. Once all four have indicated they are ready the starter will point down track indicating each driver should look at the starting tree and wait for the lights to flash indicating it’s time for you to nail it and enjoy the ride. Once your race is over proceed down the return lane to recieve your time slips showing you your RT, ET, and finnishing order. After you have completed the course return to the staging area to race again as many times as you like. This is the only west Michigan snow drag we have on our schedule this year so don’t miss out on all of the family fun. To see more about our show go to You Tube and bring up 2009 TC 500 .wmv if you have questions about the event Email us or call our office at 1-616-260-4382 ask for Jimmy Thank You !!!!!!!!!!
