New member
I have cpr tripple pipes on an 03 viper that idles perfect and runs amazing at 8000rpm and higher but runs like crap anything in between! Does anyone have the proper set up to run these pipes? Would be much appreciated I've searched all over but not much luck

Why not call Simon CPR?? He will give his spec and proper clutching....
right from jeff 160pto 160center and 162.5mag 50 pilots and fuel screws at 2 turns. have to also raise needles pto and center to 4 with one clip on top and bottom and mag to 4 with both clips on bottom. and this is with vent line hooked up to airbox
New member
Jeff has me running 162.5 in all 3 and im running a heavy hitter clutch and it f$€kin rips with the stock clutch it ran like yours
right from jeff 160pto 160center and 162.5mag 50 pilots and fuel screws at 2 turns. have to also raise needles pto and center to 4 with one clip on top and bottom and mag to 4 with both clips on bottom. and this is with vent line hooked up to airbox
this set up is what I use in them also, make sure you run 93 octane fuel in it also.
New member
Thanks guys I found mixed results and my needles are a little off, next is the clutches!
Let us know can get u in the right direction
Thanks guys I found mixed results and my needles are a little off, next is the clutches!
The needles have a profound effect on how it runs, if too rich they make it all blubbery sounding. to lean and well it will be very crisp running it wont live long. With the pipes you need the center an dmag cylinder rich to keep them alive. the specs posted are good ones to follow, especially on the needles.
Jeff has me running 162.5 in all 3 and im running a heavy hitter clutch and it f$€kin rips with the stock clutch it ran like yours
just out of curiosity what are your weights and how did jeff tell u to load them, mine are 48 loaded with 3/4 allen heel, 7/16 1 thick (.60)washer middle, tip empty. stock helix with silver spring wrapped at 70
New member
Me again guys, it is possible that my low end midrange bog is clutch related? My buddy said could be the secondary but I have no idea when it comes to clutches know how they work but that's it
what do u have for clutching
New member
I have a heavy hitter clutch set up to his specs its been 2 years since I touched my sled I cant remember how its set up. I have it written down I just need to find it...