Removing water from fuel.

Hello again from northern Illinois USA.
I finally got around to measuring the fuel spout(male portion) on 2 different sleds.
Sled #1: measurement 1 is 61.25mm. Measurement 2 is 50.92. And the depth of the tank is 349.25

Sled #2: measurement 1 is 59.60mm. Measurement 2 is 45.25mm. And the depth of the tank is 292.10mm.

Measurements taken with digital caliper.

Thanks again
Hello Daniel

Well Sled #1 looks like our ACE0001 (Acerbis fuel tanks) filter will fit just fine.
Sled #2 looks a bit odd, with the wall thickness of the tank being 7mm thick. But the hole being 45.25 is close enough for the YAM0002 (Yamaha YZ250 450) filter to fit, as the Hole in the Yamaha is normally 44.50 to 45.90mm wide.

The only real question of about the under side of the fuel caps, and is there is any thing that hangs down from the cap that will stop the filters from being under them?

other than that, Sled #1 is the same measurement as the Acerbis fuel tanks.

from scott
online sales/tech
profill australia
There is nothing under the cap of sled #1. It is a screw on cap.
Sled #2 has a rubber "blister" that is removable. It is similar to A, in the diagrams that I received. It is a hinged cap with a "push down and click" type of cap. Will removing it cause slight leakage?
As long as the ID is fine, I can trim any overage on the OD.

Sled 1 - 2001 Yamaha SX500R
Sled 2 - 1996 Yamaha XT 600

Why Yamaha ? I'd rather ride than wrench.

Sled 1 sounds "good!"
Sled 2 sounds like a "maybe" with the push down cap, it sounds like the things that lock the fuel cap down will be like a Road bike where the cap is hinged and when it is pushed down there are one or two locking dogs that expand out in to the tank to lock the cap.
99% of the time it is these locking dogs that stop any sort of filter from fitting under a hinged cap.
We would need some sort of photos to be able to help any more that that.
And removing the rubber gasket would normally make a leak, but it all depends on the design of the whole fuel cap and its locking system.

from scott
online sales/tech
profill australia
So with this information I ordered a YAM0002. And it works perfectly. I did a test with water in some fuel in a Pyrex measuring glass. What do know, the Tapioca absorbed all the water.
Interesting. So, are you leaving the tapioca in the filter and riding with it in there? Are you certain that it won't break down small enough to get past the filter?
Yep. Just put @ 1/2 a cup into the filter that I showed in a previous picture. I left the tapioca in the water/fuel test mixture for a good portion of the late summer and fall. Still looked ok after that amount of time. Fuel looked fine too.
