Need heelclicker starting point on 01 srx 700 for 660ft drags


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
I got this kit from my brother...each weight is 68 assuming this is far too much weight to run in my stock 01 srx 700. Im planning on using this for 660ft drags in a few weeks. All i need is a starting point to make this work in 660ft. My sled has all kinds of studs and traction and short gearing for 660ft.0110171853.jpg

I can't find my old setup. Check the tech pages. There are a few setups on there. I know I had about 5g in the heel. Which looks about what you have now. Make sure the head of the weight does not hit the sheave at all. You may have to file it down just a little bit.
empty out the bolts, should be 50 grams empty, cant see the bolts in other side to see what hardware and how much you have to work with. did you get the primary springs a red and a silver one with them? what helixs do you own?
I ran 63 grams in heelclickers 8 grams in tip heel 5grams with dalton 50/38 and silver yamaha secondary wrapped to 60 21/40 gears red primary spring 50 pilots and 140 main jets in all 3
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that wouldn't be my choice of a helix to use for short drag racing, that's a helix for trail or more wide open lake running speed with such a shallow finish angle, youd run lots of tip weight 7-8 grams.

For 500ft or 660ft I would use a helix like a 52/42,50/40, 49/41 . Your not gonna spend a lot of time full shift out so you load the weights in the middle with not much in the tip for short drags, hardly any in the heel to have as high engagement as you can... unless you notch the weights.
that wouldn't be my choice of a helix to use for short drag racing, that's a helix for trail or more wide open lake running speed with such a shallow finish angle, youd run lots of tip weight 7-8 grams.

For 500ft or 660ft I would use a helix like a 52/42,50/40, 49/41 . Your not gonna spend a lot of time full shift out so you load the weights in the middle with not much in the tip for short drags, hardly any in the heel to have as high engagement as you can... unless you notch the weights.
If all I have to test with was 14.5 rollers any suggestions on heelclickers that setup I posted was with 15.6 but I don't have those now only 14.5 to test with
I have a 49/41...what color spring at what wrap

no heel weight, 4.3 center hole, set screw in tip(use locktite on it), red primary, 15.6mm rollers, 49/41 helix with green dot Yamaha spring at 70-80 , around 21/40, 21/39 gears, depends on how good suspension hooks/studs you may need to go to a silver dot sec spring at 60-70.

you want 8000-8100rpm out of the gate, climb to 8500rpm max at 400ft out. test,test,test,test.........
Just tested..hitting 8000 on takeoff..climbing to 8150

so it only climbs to 8150rpm 400ft out from the start??? sounds weak.... what gears are in it?

edit add: how do you know its a 49/41 helix/ is it a coded helix or a stamped angle helix? what brand. it could be the helix is steeper then a 41 finish angle also if it stays low on rpm.
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Took weight out of tip and middle...hitting 8100 off line then up to 8450 after a few hundred feet

if your running the weights empty to hit target rpm, your whole set up is wrong! With no weight in the arms youll not be clamping the belt very well and likely it will be a poor performance result.

if ya don't have and are not willing to invest in the right parts(known helix angle suggested,right springs,right gear ratio,etc.), your likely better off going back to what you know/have on hand worked before and hit the right target rpm.
I said i took weight out...i didnt remove all the weight. Middle is loaded with screw and 2 washers, tip has a set screw and the heel is empty. I was running 86mph in 660 with mealy starting line preventing any traction for first 150ft. Im 260lbs so im thinking that mph is respectable? Its also going up a gradual hill
I said i took weight out...i didnt remove all the weight. Middle is loaded with screw and 2 washers, tip has a set screw and the heel is empty. I was running 86mph in 660 with mealy starting line preventing any traction for first 150ft. Im 260lbs so im thinking that mph is respectable? Its also going up a gradual hill
