Oil pump


New member
Mar 19, 2014
The last ride I filled with fuel and checked the oil reservoir it was almost full. We went for a good ride. Had to stop and change a fouled spark plug. We got back to the house and the oil light came on. I shut it down and poured another liter in it. Fired it back up and ran around the field then put it away for the summer. So I think the oil pump is malfunctioning because it used a tank of oil to a tank of fuel. What I was wondering is can you replace the pump with the engine still in the sled or do you have to remove it. Any information would be greatly appreciated thanks
You should be able to change the oil pump with the engine in the chassis ( my experience is limited to chaning this pump while the engine is out of the chassis. Take the airbox and carbs off, clear as many items out of you way. Before you change the pump, check to be sure the cable to the pump is operating properly and the lever on the pump is not stuck in an open position. Make sure the cables ends are seated in the adjustment device, if a cable came out of the adjuster and got hung up, the pump would run much richer. The pump is held in with two socket head caps screws and is sealed to the crankcase with one o-ring. If you replace the pump, be sure to open the bleeder screw and vent the air out of the system. I would run the first tank of fuel as a 50 to 1 premix and observe the oil tank level to make sure the pump is working. Depending on how hard and brittle the plastic hoses are, you may want to replace them also. It is not worth skimping on the parts for a critical system. If you run into problems or have more questions just fire away.

Changing it in the sled can be done but it is a pain. Best thing is to remove the motor mount that is in the way which is not the easiest to do.
Thanks everyone I think I am going to try this without removing the engine you guys are the best
what captnviper and others said above. you can do it with the motor in the chassis remove air box,exhaust pipes and headers/manifolds, carbs, rear and front engine mounts, brace over recoil and torque arm on the clutch that is located on the clutch side. you should then be able to lift it enough to place a piece of 2x4 under the motor to get access to the 2 allen head bolts holding the pump. i just did my pump on my SRX last fall. the only problem i had was the clamps that they use to hold the oil lines on the pump. they are just pinched on so i used zip ties to make sure they were on correct. don't skimp out and by a used pump, buy a new one then you will be fine for many years. they are pricey ($300 CDN) but then again you really can't run without it. i found one pump in all of Canada last fall and would have had to wait 2 months if i hadn't , so i would get one ASAP so you have it in time before this winter. make sure you replace the o-ring as well. good luck
