VK Clutch Isuues


New member
May 19, 2015
Well first off I guess I should intro myself, Hello to all this is my first post here. The sled that I have some questions about is a 2005 VK 540 lll. I am having clutch issues and with the machine having 15 000 un serviced km's on it everything clutch wise is pooched. The primary is worn right out large grooves worn into sheaves of clutch, spring you are able to collapse by hand relatively easily, rollers and bushings grooved, weights that have ridges worn into them so bad the machine shifts gears as you are under way. I have a VK with a four speed transmission :0. and that is just the primary. The secondary clutch sheaves are good but that is where it stops. Bushings whore right out to the point where there was aluminum to aluminum contact on the helix it is galled and garbage, spring has about as much torsional strength left in it as a paper clip. I have been pondering rebuilding what I have but then I am still using damaged sheaves, so I am thinking going with a Powerblock primary and a Team tied secondary or even the team primary matched to their secondary. What is everyone consensus of the Powerblock. How do you guys feel about this combination? Do you think there is a better setup out there for a VK? I am looking for the best efficiency and lasting quality, not so much performance seeing how it is a VK. Another thing is the sled regularly will be pulling heavy loads. Thank you for all your input on this.

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you can get the primary machined and buy a rebuild kit form Yamaha that has everything except the weights in it. the secondary, find a good used and use that. new springs every 5 years does not hurt. there was a sled scrapper in Calgary a few years ago that was parting out 3 of those sleds.
OK, I could do that but with me being in a small land locked community sending my clutch out to get machined is not cost effective. Air freight is deadly. I might be able to find a donor sled in the bone yard here in town and clean and rebuild it. What about a P85 or P90 there seems to be quite a few scrap Polaris machines around here or what about even a Cat clutch, quite a few of them as well. So I take it their really isn't much better then the Yamaha clutch's. I thought a PB80 and a Team tied secondary would have been a decent combination. Bullet proof primary matched to an efficient secondary.

What's the verdict on solidly mounting a sled motor. The only things I ever owned with a rubber mounted motor's was on my street bikes, that is when I lived in the south there and that was only for factory comfort level. My 08 KTM 300-rigid mounted, my 12 KTM 530-rigid mounted, my 90 KTM 600-was rigid KDX, XT 250&500 rigid mounted, my flat track speedway bikes were rigid as well the list goes on and on. The only time vibs are and were noticeable was at idle, and the VK already has a bunch of vibrations at idle. I would think on a belt driven machine all driveline shock would be eliminated, thus by making them rubber mounted a redundant system. Only thing I can see it saving is an aluminum tunnel and bulk head but the VK are all steel and they only make like what 60hp's or so I can't see a rigid motor hurting this machine in fact I see it benefitting it by keeping clutch alignment more true through its rpm and loading and unloading torque ranges. Any thoughts?
I am thinking going with a Powerblock primary and a Team tied secondary or even the Team primary matched to their secondary.
What is everyone consensus of the Powerblock ?
How do you guys feel about this combination ?
Do you think there is a better setup out there for a VK ?
I am looking for the best efficiency and lasting quality, not so much performance seeing how it is a VK. Another thing is the sled regularly will be pulling heavy loads.
The Powerbloc primary clutch is a very reliable clutch. It is also very easy to adjust.
I have never heard of anyone using a TEAM Tied secondary clutch on a working sled, but I can not see why it would not work.
The TEAM Tied secondary clutch is also a good clutch.

1. I might be able to find a donor sled in the bone yard here in town and clean and rebuild it.
What about a P85 or P90 there seems to be quite a few scrap Polaris machines around here or what about even a Cat clutch, quite a few of them as well.
So I take it their really isn't much better then the Yamaha clutch's.
I thought a PB80 and a Team tied secondary would have been a decent combination. Bullet proof primary matched to an efficient secondary.

2. What's the verdict on solidly mounting a sled motor ?
The only time vibs are and were noticeable was at idle, and the VK already has a bunch of vibrations at idle.
I would think on a belt driven machine all driveline shock would be eliminated, thus by making them rubber mounted a redundant system.
Only thing I can see it saving is an aluminum tunnel and bulk head but the VK are all steel and they only make like what 60hp's or so I can't see a rigid motor hurting this machine in fact I see it benefitting it by keeping clutch alignment more true through its rpm and loading and unloading torque ranges. Any thoughts?
1. Stay away from the Polaris P-90 !
The Polaris P-85 is however a very good clutch, much better then a Arctic Cat or Comet primary clutch.
The engine hood of the VK-540 is very sealed which makes the clutch system does not get as much cooling air as it needs.
Make some extra holes in the hood so that the clutch system receives proper cooling.

2. The worst thing with the Yamaha 540 FC Engine is that it vibrates a lot !
and that creates problms such as eating clutches !! ( That has been a probem ever since the 540 FC Engine came in 1982 ! )
Take the Engine out and get the crankshaft align and balanced.
You will be very happy over the result.
