Has anyone here ever raced a exciter 440 on grass 500ft? If so what was your speed/time with it? I am asking because I just bought a 1980 that I plan to build and race.
Active member
derek the 1980 exciter is probably the heaviest of all the exciters. the 76/77 were lite. i would get clutching right, and play with your skid. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Iv raced one. I dont remember any times or speeds. Hauck powersports sells a good primary spring for the stock yamaha clutch. I also put in thin copper head gaskets to bump up compression. Stock gearing worked the best. I tried dropping gearing down. What a headache with clutching. As Tony said about skid set up. Good tight springs in the back. Also after market reads with jetting. That sled ran pretty good. Aaen sells a race pipe. Never got one. Hope this helps??
Thanks guys, Tony do you know the difference between the 76/77 and 78-81 skids? I have a 77 parts sled with the skid so if the older ones better I could swap them. I haven't removed any parts yet so idk the hidden differences. I will look into the clutching and see what parts I need. B rad thanks for the tip on the clutch spring I had no idea hauck racing sold vintage parts mind= blown 

No problem. . Hauck has some info on the website. But if any thing just call them.
Yamaha Nutz
New member
this all comes down to set -up as far as weight there is very little difference between them from 76-81 .....what you can do to the sled is all dependent on the rules you run by and how the classes are set up IE letter class or engine type and size if a letter class sled it is a stock "D'' class sled and for that class you will have your work cut out for you with a ex but 440 fan class it is a top contender .....times well since I have never drag raced one I can not give you real numbers ....but you will have to get it in the area of a 6.9-7.0 500 ft pass at least ....this is all stock ....I run a 338 gpx which is a stock d sled and with more tunning to find yet we are cracking off 6.70 passes in 500ft and with the stock c 433 gpx we have it down to 6.495 passes with still more to find .....and all my motors are bone stock
New member
my oval sled on grass was 68 on 300