power valves

You can check the servo to make sure it's functioning by putting the rear up the sled up on a stand,or elevating the rear off the floor securely somehow.Take the 3 Philips head bolts out of the servo cover,start the engine,you may have to let it warm up a bit to get the idle to stabilize,locate the idle screw on the carb rack and turn it out,ccw,to drop the idle to about 900.The servo should spin to full open then and now would be a good time to mark the servo and the housing to give you a reference when you do the service on the valves.With the cover off you should be able to see if there's any abnormal slack in the cables signalling a broken cable.There's a write up in the tech section on adjusting the pvs bit it's always a good idea to remove them on a seasonal basis for cleaning and adjusting.This is most generally done in the fall as part of most peoples pre season maintenance,but it's all according to how many miles you ride a winter and what you use for oil as to if you should do it more often.
If the sled is new to you or if you have not cleaned the valves since new, either way you need to pull all 3 and clean them.
