My 2nd home made firewirk video.


VIP Member
Dec 10, 2014
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Ok, I made 2 but the first one didn't work all that good, it went to about 75 feet and burst and a big fireball landed in the yard and kept burning until I put it out. Turns out it was mostly the plastic shell housing, pretty weak. The 2nd one was better and I did change things a little, first, my home made black powder was a little damp from the humidity and so were the starts so only about 1/4 of them ignited which is a huge waste for the time it takes to make them, one by one. My next batch will be colored with a silver spark tail on each, like a willow but the burst will be red. Anyway, it went a good 150' and burst exactly at it's peak which is what I wanted. I also used a little slow flash powder in the burst charge and 2.6oz of lift powder instead of 2oz. These things are completely scratch made except the actual ball. I will include a few interesting pics also... The video quality isn't that great because it didn't like the darkness so the focus was a little off, shoulda used the gopro. The vid is 2 parts because just as I was about to light it, the whole neighborhood decided to walk their dogs and I could not get the videos to merge or edit..
Part 1...
Part 2...

This is the 2nd shell I made and the pics are some of the chemicals used and the scale pic, 1 firework weighs a pound, big for home made and hope you didn't screw anything up. I put an angle of 3 degrees East and 0 degrees N and S so in case it flowerpotted(blew up in the mortar) or worked good, it would land about 10 feet away from the mortar which the first one did, I didn't realize this one was going to do what it is supposed to and didn't correct the angle of mortar for the height.


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