Rear Heat Exchanger Question


New member
Jul 19, 2015
Columbia City, In
So i am debating on putting a rear heat exchanger on my 02 viper or just leaving it alone for now. I just picked up the sled a couple weeks back 2800 miles good condition, i will mostly be riding up north trails and lakes or just the casual ride. My question to you all is do you think i should add one? If so where to buy it and how hard is the job to install?

Thanks, Landen
The sled will live without it if it is stock. The light will come on riding icy conditions and might puke some freeze on you is all. If your going to be doing long wot runs on hard conditions, or pulling a head gasket you should put one in. I would also recomend a srx style torque arm if it hasnt had one installed yet, and the front mount if it is not an electric start sled.
Thank you all for the information this site is the shit! its like anything i need to know is here in the "sled encyclopedia" lol. Is there by chance a video or any pictures from someone else installing one just to get some direction from? also to BETHEVIPER: it wont let me private message you back because i havent been a memeber for long enough you can text me though my number is 260-466-4911

THANKS everyone!, Landen
It is not even the slightest bit difficult to install a different rear heat exchanger. The front one is a different story though. I have only one good arm and I can still do it.
You'll need a drill, bits, rivets and a rivet gun.
Yep^^^ can't go wrong with the rear heat exchanger mod. X2 on the torque arm also an essential mod on a viper. It should have been there right from the factory. While your at it you can raise your fuel pump a bit to prevent it freezing up. Some guys silicon the vent hole in the bottom and put a small peice of rubber down for the pump to sit on. I just put some washers on the studs to raise it up a bit and its been fine.

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