best bang for my buck

Nov 5, 2014
what are the best triple pipes that sound good and add HP, but don't completely ruin my fuel mileage? also, if possible please put a price of the pipes. Thanks!
If you're talking about a viper they all add hp and they all hurt the fuel mileage. The only exception is putting SRX pipes on it but it's not a bolt on application. If you're talking about pipes for a SRX none are going to give any noticeable hp gain on a stock engine. They do however save a bunch of weight
If you're talking about a viper they all add hp and they all hurt the fuel mileage. The only exception is putting SRX pipes on it but it's not a bolt on application. If you're talking about pipes for a SRX none are going to give any noticeable hp gain on a stock engine. They do however save a bunch of weight

yes sorry, I was talking about a 2003 Yamaha viper. and with triple pipes, I will have to rejet and adjust my clutching?
Yes you'll have to reject and reclutch. As to which pipe is best different people like different pipes. I think by the numbers SLP made the most power. I like CPR pipes. They all make an noticeable improvement
What pipes you get also depend on what viper you have. Does you're viper have electric start?? If so Slp and speedwick pipes will not work. Bender racing, CPR, Hauck, and aaen will work with electric start vipers. I have bender racing pipes on my viper and like them. I get anywhere from 8-12 mpg with them depending on conditions and how hard I'm on the throttle.
What pipes you get also depend on what viper you have. Does you're viper have electric start?? If so Slp and speedwick pipes will not work. Bender racing, CPR, Hauck, and aaen will work with electric start vipers. I have bender racing pipes on my viper and like them. I get anywhere from 8-12 mpg with them depending on conditions and how hard I'm on the throttle.

what would be the cheapest set of pipes? and would I have to do some clutching with triples? if so, what all would need to be done, or could I just run stock clutching with triples?
what would be the cheapest set of pipes? and would I have to do some clutching with triples? if so, what all would need to be done, or could I just run stock clutching with triples?

you would need to reclutch with pipes, all pipes are different in rpms for example cpr like 9100 and bender are 8500. heelclickers seem to be the ticket for piped vipers look into them
what would be the cheapest set of pipes? and would I have to do some clutching with triples? if so, what all would need to be done, or could I just run stock clutching with triples?

Cheapest pipes?? Look in the classified here on this site. There's a few triple pipes for sale at a good price. You will have to rejet and reclutch adding triple pipes on a viper. When I added pipes on mine I had to send in my head. Bender racing mods the head so the compression is the same across all three cylinders so jetting is all the same. Stock vipers have less compression on the clutch side cylinder. You will also have to add a rear heat exchanger if you dont already have one and a opticool head gasket to help with cooling. Its not going to be cheap putting triple pipes on you're sled. To set up a viper with triple pipes right you're looking at around 1,000 with pipes, clutching, head mod, opticool head gasket, and heat exchanger.
Used slip pipes $300 ceramic coated $300 heelclickers and dalton helix $400. Bought jetting of Amazon for $10. Half a bottle of octane boost at every fill up, never checked mileage but always needed more gallons then buddies sleds at gas station. So it's not cheap. but really what is in this sport?
if you want less work than srx pipes, bender or slp pipes can be run with the srx box and jetted closer to srx jetting. you will want to rap the pipes to keep the underhood temps down and add a cooler. Using pipes on that sled without a srx box, makes the sled fun to ride and pain in the ass to ride on the trail, your always looking for gas or riding light on the thumb, which, what was the point of the pipes if your riding light on the thumb to make it to the next gas station all the time. My slp pipes, coated, but not wrapped, with temp gauges and warning lights and a tempaflow got me 11 normal riding. This was done with pilots that cause high idle. When I got the correct cdi box in my viper with srx pipes, I got 15 normal riding and was able to run 40 pilots and sled would idle down.
