Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been on here. I've been doing some reaserch and haven't quite found my answer, I was hoping I could get some input from you guys. It's an 02 viper with the Hartman 136 extension. Owner says 4xxx miles are on it. It looks clean, some claw marks on the back from when it used to have pics in the track. He says he wants $2500 for it.
New member
Here in canada that's a sweet deal for a clean low mile viper.
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VIP Member
In my opinion a '02 with 4K miles is worth no more than $2K, maybe $1800 would be more like it. But price depends on what you or someone else are willing to pay.
ontario sledder
Here in canada that's a sweet deal for a clean low mile viper.
x2 I bought my 03 with ad boivin rear skid risers can boss seat for 2500
New member
Good deal if it's clean! Looks well taken care of. Most vipers I see on kijiji in Ontario are $3k+. Buy er up!!!
I've always wanted a good trail sled so I can keep my SRX more of a purpose built sled. I feel like it's cheaper to find a viper with it already extended. And put electric start on it, instead of buying a vioer with electric start and then stretching it, then buying a new track. I'm pretty sure he's not gunna sell to someone else because it's hidden away in his back yard. I told him in a couple months when I got some more coin I'll call him up. fingers crossed, thanks for the info, I'll keep you all posted
New member
Doesn't seem too bad compared to the prices I've seen around here but there's not a ton of them for sale in my area yet either give it a couple months and more will be popping up.

Super Moderator
Just sold one last year with revers and e start for $2200
Got my eye on a different one. This one is stretch 136" but it has a nice boss seat, and around 2600 miles. Motor is stock which is good. A little more pricy. But I'd rather buy a product with the stretch and track with low miles instead of buying one with more miles and paying for the conversion