New member
Hi, have a guestion. Just finished my carb switch out on my Srv . I have notice when I open the hood it smells like gas. Looked everywhere , no leaks and my gas level in the tank is going down. I have took the seat off and loosened the tank and lifted it up no wet spots. What can it be? Thanks for any info.
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New member
Probly leaking somewhere slowly and just evaporating leaving no signs of a leak. Check everywhere!
Leaking into the engine. Pull the plugs and see the case is full.
New member
Ok I will pull plugs and pull it over and see if gas shoots out of cylinders .
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New member
Nothing coming out if cylinders and pulse line is fine.?
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Check the fuel level "sight" hose and fitting. Could be brittle and have a crack in either the fuel hose or tank fitting.
New member
Checked all hoses , I put all new ones on. Could it have anything to do with the vent hoses? The two on the carb are new and lose and one fits on a 90• elbow that moves and it was pointed down wards. I moved it back up at 2 o'clock position . Thanks
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New member
Very well could be. Do you have hose clamps on them? If they are a loose fit you may need to put hose clamps on them if you haven't already.
A couple of bucks
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Is your.... Ole Factory any help?