How do I get this center wheel out? With pic. 1985 Phazer

Lots of heat and penetrating lube. You do not have to split the rails. I use a brass hammer to knock the first wheel off, then I make my decision to either keep going with heat or cut the axle and find another one. I usually beat the heck out of the last wheel to see if anything will move. You cant really use a puller on the wheels since the axle is aluminum. I hope this helps.
Hope this might help. I had the same problem. I had to just drill 4 little holes ( just going through the outer shaft) then used some oil in the oil and let it soak over night. Then heated it up and said a few words as I pounded with a brass hammer and it came out. Got lucky.

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Heat combined with KROIL works great. And a BFH. When assembling, use anti-seize on the entire length of the shaft to prevent this again. Grease will work but not nearly as well as anti-seize.
I use a back to back combination of AeroKroil and then a 50% mixture of auto tranny fluid and acetone......and time! Be patient. Careful with heat. Remember, when metal gets hot it does expand, but when it cools it shrinks..smaller. I sometimes drill some small holes to get penetrating fluid in. Good luck.
