Airbox oil?


Mar 18, 2008
Flin Flon,Manitoba
Tried searching forums and couldn't find anything. On my '99 VT 600 redhead,there always seems to be oil/fuel mix coming out of the bottom holes of the airbox.When I take the box off I'll wipe it out clean and the tunnel area and mid way thru winter there it is again! Is this common on the triples to spit back fuel, or is there some issues to look at here?
That would have been my next question, she's got 12,km on her and all I have done is drive her and give her new plugs! I guess reeds will weaken eventually right?
Weak/fatigued. When you install new reeds, they have an ever so slight bow in them. It is easiest to see w/ an opposite colored piece of paper on a piece of glass. Take your new Carbon Tech reeds, which are black, and put it on a picture frame piece of glass w/ a white piece of paper on it. You will be able to notice it looking at it like this.
A reed valve 2 stroke will always spit back just a little bit as the pressure pulse stops in the carbs, but a lot of oil is a dead give away that the reeds are tired or chipped. It should start easier too with new reeds.
So while we are this topic do you guys' change just the reeds or do I have to change the cages too? Why I ask is I came across an article on reeds and the dude said if the rubber around the cages are bubbling or degrading ,delaminating to change them out, does this make sense? Just 'cause Yammi wants about $120. per cage versuses Royal dis. I could get all 3 cages with reeds for just over $400.
