srx tunnel extension


New member
Mar 16, 2013
NW Indiana
I got a 141" tunnel extension from a 2000 mountain max to put on my 136" srx. The rear cooler hose is smaller than the srx hose. I was planning on putting the rear cooler from my srx on my viper. Would I have cooling problems if I cut the small pipes off the mm exchanger and cut the rear tube from the viper and welded the ends on the mm cooler? I don't want to cut anything until I know it will work. Thanks in advance.
It will work fine. You can even heat the mm hose ends and force them over the viper heat exchanger ends. Or go get some 1" coolant hose at autoparts store, this will fit Srx cooler perfect. Then cut the mm hose down to just cover the fittings then the 1" hose will fit over that then clamp down. Done before and works perfect with no cutting and welding.
Thanks for the info. I was concerned with the smaller diameter hose restricting flow but I'm guessing it shouldn't be a problem.
