Coolant on #3 cylinder spark plug


New member
Sep 29, 2015
Hey guys new to the site. Just picked up an 02 viper with 700 miles on her. Got her running before I bought it but had some old gas in it. Brought it home and found this forum and started going over it and fixing all the bugs. Ski is completely stock. Started by cleaning carbs and airbox and moving needle to #4 with both shims on top. Pulled plugs to change and noticed bottom of #3 mag cylinder plug had light brown gray sludge on it and noticed little to no coolant in bottle. With suck little miles you think I could have a head gasket leak? Also was thinking of changing gasket to opticool one and putting in Evans waterless power sports coolant. How much coolant does the system take? Also if there is anything else I should go over or look at please let me know. Thanks and can't wait for snow to fly!
You figure this out? Start it up without the cap on the coolant tank and look for bubbles.
Read up here until the eyes bleed there is tons of info on upgrading the viper.
