Jack Shaft Bearing Removal


New member
Mar 3, 2013
United States
I'm trying to replace the track in my 2001 SX700R, I'm stuck on the jack shaft and not being able to pull it out. Can someone please tell me if I need a bearing puller to remove the clutch side bearing, or is it a matter of removing the set screws that I see on the collar behind the bearing, and the bearing will slide off?

Thank you in advance for your help on this!
OK Hath91 are you referring to the JACKSHAFT or the DRIVE AXLE bearing??? Probably the drive, if so you'll need to loosen the track because the tension on the drive is pulling back towards the rear and the bearing will have pressure on it! OK you have to remove the speedo drive cover and you will see the bearing.It makes it easier to centralize the bearing in the bearing holder(tunnel) by using a bottle jack to push on the axle (forward) to relieve the tension. Now just tap or pry the bearing towards the inside of the body! Easy.
Actually a lot of people mistake the 2 shafts, the jackshaft is the one that goes across from the secondary clutch to the chaincase,to drive the machine!
i back the screws off then take a big screw driver and put it between the drive cog locking collar and bearing and pry/twist to break it loose. then work it off with your hands. let it soak overnight in some wd-40 and wire brush the shaft before re installing.
@ snowhite - My mistake, I meant the drive shaft! I actually have the skid out, chain case off, so there's absolutely no tension!
@ roundyroy1 - I'll have to try your method....I have soaked the bearing in PB for the past couple of days. I've tried using a large pair of Channel-locks on the backing collar and tried twisting/rotating it, but it won't budge. I'm hesitant to use any heat since there are 4 drive cogs and the closest one is inches away from the bearing/collar!!!!
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Just asking but you do have the 3 nuts holding the speedo sensor and bearing off right? I cant remember ever needing to move that bearing to get the axle out.
You should be able to buy a small 3 jaw puller to do what you need for relatively cheap. Plus you'll have it for other stubborn bearings that will need changing from time to time,like the ones on the upper cross shaft. You'll need a puller to get them off.

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Bearing with Puller.jpg

OK, thanks to the use of a small 3 jaw puller, I was able to remove the bearing & collar of the main drive shaft with ease.

Any recommendations for an after market track?
I put a hacksaw on my srx and like it if you want to stay in the 1" area. Another factor would be if you plan on studding it. I am not a fan of the ripsaw unless only on groomed trails. X2 on the ripsaw 2 and the cobra if you want more lug and no studs without going to 8t drivers.
