Like the tidal says Im looking for info on cleaning my power valves. Iv never done this and cant seem to find info through the search engine. Also, can anyone tell me why when i pulled off the pipes from my newly purchased 200 srx , my pipes poured out oil when tipped up. ?????
what no one cleans there power valves on a srx 700?
Active member
Go to TY home, then tech pages, then snowmobile tech, then engine and the you'll see YPVS cleaning and adjustment.
Go to local GM dealer and ask for a product called "Kleens", it comes in an spray can. It's a combustion chamber cleaner. Fill a small container with the stuff and let you PVs soak for the night. It pretty much turns carbon build up to jelly and most of it will just wipe off. You may need to clean the harder stuff with a scotch bright pad. I've been using the stuff for years. James
New member
Wish I had known about that kleen stuff a few years ago. Lol oil running out of the pipes is probably just from being heavily fogged, nothin serious though.
Great for cleaning carbs and jets too! Used it for years as well.
just use one new razor blade per valve, you can shave all the carbon off dry.
Thanx guys. Im just not sure how to get them out. I pulled the bolts out that connect the housing to the jug and the valve only slid out a little ways but then stopped. Im assuming that where you take it apart.....or did i oull the wrong set of bolts out. Should i have taken the two bolts where the cable enters it? There seemed to be a seal stopping me from pulling out the valve......didnt want to damage anything.......,????????,
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Great post but kinda doesnt answer my question. When i pulled out the 4 bolts and pulled the valve came out about 1/2 an inch and stopped. Looked like an oring around the shaft of the valve was stopping it from coming all the way out. What do i do.....just pull and hope i dont rip it or do somthing else to remove it
New member
Take servo motor cover off and make a mark on the back portion of cover and silver piece that houses the cables. Unwind the silver piece enough so there's slack in the cables. Now you can take cables out of slot and be able to unhook at other end. Make sure you mark it though so you know where to put it back to.