Carb cleaning with .................... toilet bowl cleaner?


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I just read an article in OSM (On Snow Magazine) about cleaning dirty carb brass with liquid toilet bowl cleaner and then neutralizing them with pure lemon or lime juice to get the cleaner off.Has anyone tried this?They made it sound like it works quite well and may be a way to get away from caustic cleaners,well petroleum based ones at least.
toilet bowl cleaner is caustic is it not? in theory it should work. but i would be scared of it destroying rubber/ plastic parts.
interesting idea! the real question is can we use carb cleaner to clean the toilet bowl? hahaha
I've had good luck cleaning brass with Berryman's carb cleaner. It is also sold with a Yamaha label, but most dealers don't stock it. I've also cleaned the carb bodies (dye cast zinc) using a 50/50 mx of water and Pine-Sol. About 30 minutes in my ultra sonic cleaner. It won't hurt rubber, but does take the shine off any cadmium plated parts.
