Is this code a coolant temp code? If so then how do I fix? I just did top end so coolant was drained. I got nose up with cap off getting air out

Super Moderator
It says water temp circuit open or short. Not sure on fix. Check wires for any problems

I would guess the temp sensor on the head of the sled is cut, unplugged or bad.
I would always forget to plug that one back in when doing top end work. Little bit of panic the first time but after doing it a couple times I even remember it the first time once in a while.
likely forgot to plug it back in, its on the bottom of the water rail so its easy to overlook, not up in the head like a viper.
Forgot to plug it in....that's embarrassing

Well thats better then something brokenForgot to plug it in....that's embarrassing

Super Moderator
Naaa, your all good. Done dumber shit then that more then once.