NAPA made Yamaha blue paint

A couple of bucks

VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
Ogle County Illinois USA
So I stopped in at my local napa for some ATF. I saw a can sitting on the check-out desk of a can of spray paint. Napa can now mix up most any paint and put it in a rattle can. Just need the paint code or a sample. With a sample, they have a gun that they point at the subject sample or paint chip, and it'll tell them the correct mix of everything.
My local Napa cannot do this but they can get these from the Napa that is 35 miles away who does mix it.
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honda "electron blue pearl", and that particular mix adds some extra coin to the cost. i would be one to debate the color match, unless my paint mixers messed up the formula. i had some mixed about 3 years back and wasnt happy with the color, still have about 3/4's of a can.
Canadian tire 20151106_220515.jpg
This is so close. It even has pearl like the factory. I used it on my tunnell and my scarred up front a arms and other than needing a clear coat,I cant see the diference. One of my better finds from canadian tire!!!
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