I ran into an issue with the 1 1/2 track hitting the tunnel protectors with the Apex suspension. My other SRX has the same track with the ProAction skid and it did not hit. I did remove the front heat exchanger protectors on both since I do not run studs. Anyone else run into this? It's an easy fix jut to remove the tunnel protectors but it does involve some backtracking.
when you run a 1 1/2 track in a pro action, you need to remove all tunnel protectors. or you can run them if you clip the track.
NOW YOU TELL ME! Just kidding Scott I should have known. By the way the track in my other SRX is an 1 1/4 with a Proaction skid. Even though I plan also to run a MONO skid in it as well I will remove the tunnel protectors.