New member
I recently bought a 2004 viper er with 2900 miles. I took the power valves out today to check and clean them. They were fairly gunked up.I slid the power valves out and took the cover off the servo.I manually rolled the servo so I could loosen them up enough to get the cable off the power valves so I could clean them good.I put them back in and manually rolled the servo tight again. Now when I put the key on,,the servo chatters or chatters for a few seconds aand then stops but makes a buzzing sound.Dont believe it was doing that before.Whats up?
VIP Member
Sometimes the servo will do that if a valve is stuck. I would check cable routing on the servo to be sure you have them in the correct location etc. before you put the cables back on the servo pull on the cable to be
sure the valve is opening and snapping back.
sure the valve is opening and snapping back.
New member
I never unhooked the cables from the servo. Its all back together,,,if I pushed down on the small part of each exposed cable at the servo,,,each one seems to come back like it should. Power valves are all in the correct spot.
VIP Member
How high is your idle?The servo will open the valves if your below 900 rpm. If its close to 900 it may do what you are describing i.e. shake back and forth.
Or is just the key on and not running? Have you started the sled?
Or is just the key on and not running? Have you started the sled?

Super Moderator
The buzzing is normal, you just didnt notice it before. The chatter when turning key on is from the PV cable being to tight. Did you adjust them after install? even if you didnt think you changed things when pulling them and cleaning you need to adjust. With the e start its a piece of cake. Link to how to if you havent done before Power Valves/Setting Your Power Valves.htm after adjust i always back the screw adjuster a 1/8 of a turn. You dont want them tight. Tight = pull through.
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New member
I haven't run it below 900 rpms,,,its electric start so I just turn the key on.It idles around 1600ish warmed up. When I cleaned the power valves, I pulled the 4 screws and slid the power valves out. I then took the cover off the servo and by hand I turned the servo CW to loosen the cables but didn't unhook the cables from the servo.This gave me enough slack to pull the power valve out of the housing enough to expose the cable end where it hooks to the power valve and then unhooked the cable from the power valve.Cleaned the PVs and hooked them back up. Then I rotated the servo CCW by hand until the cables were taut and reinstalled the power valves into the engine and tightened screws.Turned the key on and servo was chattering back and forth.I started it and it stabilized. I shut if off and restarted and it chatters for about 10 seconds and stops but buzzes.I have my engine picker hooked to the back so I can throttle it some.When I wack it WOT I see it move some. I have not tried adjusting them yet,,,this is my first time with servo PVs.Ive read the how to and think I can do it. Hopefully the pvs turn out ok because I want to attempt to clean the carbs next. Does the airbox come out easy? Also theres a on/off knob on top of the motor,,is this a carb warmer? Its in the off position now but don't now if its supposed to be there.
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Super Moderator
You did fine on PV just have to adjust them and you will be fine. Airbox comes out easy just 10mm bolt on top and unscrew everything. Keep that knob off while cleaning carbs then I always run them on. You can do a search and read a hundred opinions on when to run and when not to. I just always leave them on.
VIP Member
Yep sounds like you just need to adjust them up and your probably good to go.