New member
I have a 1999 Srx 700 that has just just been rebuilt. Original motor burnt down because of a lean mixture and pre-detonation punched hole in #3 piston, Blew a chunk off #2 piston and #1 piston survived due to it being ran richer. The original owner longtracked it to a 136" and i guess he put smaller than stock jet sizes in to compensate. Im just wondering if i use the manuals jetting specs for my altitude and temperature, Will that work for my sled? Or will the long track effect the jetting? The manual says nothing about clutching or gearing so if anyone knows what i should have, that would be great help. Thanks.
There's stock specs for most Yamaha sleds in the tech section,with things like jetting,clutching,gearing etc.If your worried about the jetting go with the stock specs and do some plug and piston wash readings to see how it's burning,rich or lean.Ideally you want to do the readings in the coldest temps you figure on running in so you'll know if your jetting is rich enough.The longer skid wont make it run leaner,at least I've never ever heard of this happening,but your sled might benefit from a gearing change with the extra track spinning around now.Perhaps dropping a tooth or maybe two on the top gear,then set your clutches up for 8300 to 8350 rpm.As far as the actual clutching components themselves you'd have to ask some of the guys that have extended their skids out to see what their using.