which new grips?


VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 2, 2013
My grips have lost their grip! lol They work fine, just a bit worn and slick. Is there a better replacement over stock, or should I just stick with stock. I'm assuming new oem will be a fairly soft rubber, and not as slick as these 15 year old grips (01 srx)?
I really like the rsi stick on heaters with the rsi grips. My mtn max has stick on heaters and the 7" rsi grips. They are super sticky, you practically don't have to hold on when cruising down the trail. I'm re-doing the bars on my indy sks right now and I bought the 8" grips and shortened them. They are a larger diameter which I thought will be more comfortable for long trail rides. I found the stock Polaris stick on heaters are reuse able and the glue sheets are available on eBay. I did find with the mtn max the aluminum bars need the heaters turned up more because aluminum doesn't hold the heat like steel. On the Indy once they warm up low is more than enough most of the time to keep my hands warm.
I really like the rsi stick on heaters with the rsi grips. My mtn max has stick on heaters and the 7" rsi grips. They are super sticky, you practically don't have to hold on when cruising down the trail. I'm re-doing the bars on my indy sks right now and I bought the 8" grips and shortened them. They are a larger diameter which I thought will be more comfortable for long trail rides. I found the stock Polaris stick on heaters are reuse able and the glue sheets are available on eBay. I did find with the mtn max the aluminum bars need the heaters turned up more because aluminum doesn't hold the heat like steel. On the Indy once they warm up low is more than enough most of the time to keep my hands warm.

Looking at RSI site, all the heaters they offer are 3 wire...I need a 2 wire correct?

Edit...ok, I see what to do now...Looks like I just need to run the blue and red wires together in order to get both element to work.
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Yup you wire the 2 separate circuits together and they share a common ground.

How is the heat? I was thinking of corking my bars and possibly even filling the bar ends with expanding foam. But if the rsi are considerably better than stock, then I may not fool with either.
I ordered the rsi last night.
It's tough to say because I have aluminum bars which are notorious for sucking heat from the grip warmers. I tend to run mine on high and it takes the edge off. Where I mountain ride we don't spend much time riding continuous over 3500 rpm so they don't get good power of that makes sense. We ride tight trees so we spend a lot of time waiting then making a short rip then waiting some more.

I would cork the bars if you can get it easy then You'll have no complaints later. My mtn max grips I put on with glue, the Polaris grips I did the air trick so they can come off if need be.
