Sooo....I've been looking at clutch stuff-bender racing, heelclickers....and have read through Mrviper700's tech section on this forum....have a brief understanding of it all, understand the theory's and how it works.
Have never clutched a sled before, have serviced em though. Clutching my srx will be my first!
Some things I am looking for in a clutch....
technical support with my purchase, forums are great but when a company backs there product with support and advice it is second to none. Definately will still bother TY Forum guys
Want to buy the right thing the first time....this may sound confusing but what I mean is that I don't want something that will become unusable. I want something that I can buy readily available parts for to make changes as I go. Seems like most kits are.
Love to blast across the lake a lot lol, but I will trail ride quite a bit, basically want good all around performance (don't we all). Not willing to sacrifice everything just to go super fast on the lake. And vice versa. You get the hint.
I have seen the bender srx kits, as well as heelclickers kits, like the tech support on heelclickers site that's available, would imagine a phone call would be even better. Once again I have never done this stuff so I will need help/guidance.
Sled has a bender can, and an m10 suspension out back, ohlins front shocks and a studded track(quite a bit haven't counted yet). If any other info is needed lemme know. Thanks guys
Have never clutched a sled before, have serviced em though. Clutching my srx will be my first!
Some things I am looking for in a clutch....
technical support with my purchase, forums are great but when a company backs there product with support and advice it is second to none. Definately will still bother TY Forum guys

Want to buy the right thing the first time....this may sound confusing but what I mean is that I don't want something that will become unusable. I want something that I can buy readily available parts for to make changes as I go. Seems like most kits are.
Love to blast across the lake a lot lol, but I will trail ride quite a bit, basically want good all around performance (don't we all). Not willing to sacrifice everything just to go super fast on the lake. And vice versa. You get the hint.
I have seen the bender srx kits, as well as heelclickers kits, like the tech support on heelclickers site that's available, would imagine a phone call would be even better. Once again I have never done this stuff so I will need help/guidance.
Sled has a bender can, and an m10 suspension out back, ohlins front shocks and a studded track(quite a bit haven't counted yet). If any other info is needed lemme know. Thanks guys
Active member
the way you wrote your post, invest in a h/c clutch kit. invest than in some helix,s. you can test and fine tune all ya want. 3:16x (yammie tony)
the way you wrote your post, invest in a h/c clutch kit. invest than in some helix,s. you can test and fine tune all ya want. 3:16x (yammie tony)
Is this the hc kit I should get? Which brand of helix's should I get? Thanks for the help tony!
This is something else I saw....not exactly sure what's what but it appears that bender can sell you this kit pre set up, or you can buy the weights from the other link I posted. If I buy both I guess I'm setup real good once I get some helix's correct?
This is something else I saw....not exactly sure what's what but it appears that bender can sell you this kit pre set up, or you can buy the weights from the other link I posted. If I buy both I guess I'm setup real good once I get some helix's correct?
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Are these the helix's I would look at?
that is the right kit u want for Yamaha 2stroke. a lot of guys on here like to use the 50-40 helix with those weights using the red primary with a yammi green secondary spring at 60-80. Dalton is a popular brand to use. im sure others will chime in and give u a good starting point
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that is the right kit u want for Yamaha 2stroke. a lot of guys on here like to use the 50-40 helix with those weights using the red primary with a yammi green secondary spring at 60-80. Dalton is a popular brand to use. im sure others will chime in and give u a good starting point
Yammy green secondary spring at 60-80....what's that mean?
The bender srx kit looks like it comes with the same contents as the heelclicker primary kit that is listed on benders site, except the bender srx kit appears to come with a helix whereas the heelclicker kit doesn't? They are both the same price too? Strange. Maybe the helix just isn't pictured?
Yammy green secondary spring wrapped between 60-80. It's controls the amount of back shift pressure in the secondary (like down shifting a car) 60 being less back shift force 80 being more. Pull the secondary off pull the helix you will see holes with numbers next to them. You put one end of the spring in a hole on clutch and helix look at number add them ((2-6=80) get it?
Yammy green secondary spring at 60-80....what's that mean?
The bender srx kit looks like it comes with the same contents as the heelclicker primary kit that is listed on benders site, except the bender srx kit appears to come with a helix whereas the heelclicker kit doesn't? They are both the same price too? Strange. Maybe the helix just isn't pictured?
heelclicker kit doesn't have the helix with it, the weights loaded from them have you using stock helix.
Will have to make a tool to pull down the cover with that long heelclicker spring but. They will pull thats for sure
Active member
the srx kit was the 40-10yb. h/c will provide you with the weights and screws and washers. really a great weight. you will also get the red spring for your primary. and a baseline where to start. as farr as helix, i have used all brands, just need to find what angle and secondary spring to use. also not covered here, invest in a gram scale. great point up above, don,t use stk helix, way wrong 3:16x (yammie tony)
Yammy green secondary spring wrapped between 60-80. It's controls the amount of back shift pressure in the secondary (like down shifting a car) 60 being less back shift force 80 being more. Pull the secondary off pull the helix you will see holes with numbers next to them. You put one end of the spring in a hole on clutch and helix look at number add them ((2-6=80) get it?
I understand a bit....but 2-6=80 lol...I'm lost...we are freshening the clutch on my pops XLV right now and I know about the different holes for the spring to be placed in on the secondary, gives more or less spring tension.
the srx kit was the 40-10yb. h/c will provide you with the weights and screws and washers. really a great weight. you will also get the red spring for your primary. and a baseline where to start. as farr as helix, i have used all brands, just need to find what angle and secondary spring to use. also not covered here, invest in a gram scale. great point up above, don,t use stk helix, way wrong 3:16x (yammie tony)
40-10 yb???is that the helix???....y=yellow? B=black,blue,brown????
So what your saying is the heelclicker kit is the way to go, a good baseline to start off with plenty of weights and parts to adjust stuff as I go??? I do have a decent gram scale, does 0-2lbs almost in grams...stock helix=no good, so buy heelclicker weights and spring kit and then buy a separate helix correct?
I just figured that the bender srx kit that pictures a helix would not be a stock helix? Why would they sell you a stock helix? Doesn't make sense.
Helix's can be bought from many sources but one thing I learned from this site is angles don't always match up from one vendor to another. Say you have a 50/38 Dalton and then a 50/38 from Bender,compare them side by side and a lot of times you'll see that one will be off slightly from the other.
Tuning your secondary us a learning process too,and when people say set your spring to 80 they mean 80 degrees. The sheave has 3 holes in it numbered 1,2 and 3 and the helix has 4 holes numbered 0,3,6 and 9. For a twist of 80 you put the spring in hole 2 on the sheave and 6 on the helix, 6+2=8 and multiply by 10 giving you 80.
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Tuning your secondary us a learning process too,and when people say set your spring to 80 they mean 80 degrees. The sheave has 3 holes in it numbered 1,2 and 3 and the helix has 4 holes numbered 0,3,6 and 9. For a twist of 80 you put the spring in hole 2 on the sheave and 6 on the helix, 6+2=8 and multiply by 10 giving you 80.
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
New member
Mrviper700 has helped alot of guys out with the HC setup. 40-10yb is the weight set. This set comes with tuning hardware and primary spring. I'm pretty sure 40-10 means the weight is a 40 gram weight with a 10 gram heel making a 50 gram total but don't quote me on this. I BELIEVE mrviper swears by Dalton helixes. Buy a Dalton and that way you'll have alot of good support from this forum. All helixes are a bit different. Two different brands with the same angles will shift different. Differences in the actual manufacturing process. Mrviper700 has posted about this as well.
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Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk