it appears that I need to use a hand pump to bleed this? System was completely empty and it is not cooperating using typical methods.
Backwoods M Max
New member
If you move the hose around you can work the bubble up to the master cylinder then it can be bled like normal. I changed a hose and it took me a while to get the bubble out. I think I ended jacking up the left side of the sled because the fitting at the master cylinder point up a little bit and make an air lock.
Did you see any apparent source of a leak?
Did you see any apparent source of a leak?
A hand pump will make the job easier but I changed to a longer braided hose a few years ago and bled the brake the old fashion way. Just pump the brake handle,crack the bleeder and repeat. It took a while but it eventually got the air all out.
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
I found that by filling up the inside master where the hose connects helps a ton. That's where the air lock will get you. There is a tiny hole that the fluid flows through to get to the hose. I tried every which way and was getting no where's until I did that. If you keep everything tight you won't lose any fluid. You will have to take the master off the handlebar. Fill hose til it comes out by brakes. Tighten bottom of hose. Fill master cylinder. Put cap back on. Flip the master cylinder so hose connection is up. Fill with fluid. Thread hose onto master cylinder. Remount on handle bar. Bleed brakes as normal. Do not run master cylinder empty or you will have to start over. Hope this helps.
Active member
joe do exactly what fourbarrel posted. very simple. 3:16x (yammie tony)
It's being a little Bitch so we are going to have to suck it out with a Mityvac......
Active member
The hose must be downhill all the way to the caliper or bleeding will be VERY hard. Turn the bars, lift the left side of the sled or whatever you can do to achieve a slight downhill run. A high spot in the hose because of routing will be trouble too.
Bled many of them. Good parts, downhill run on the hose and to only takes a few minutes.
Bled many of them. Good parts, downhill run on the hose and to only takes a few minutes.
Good point opsled
Active member
Trick to bleeding is to have the downhill and don't crack the bleeder on the caliper right away. Pump the master a couple times and release. Pumping puts fluid in the line with a bit of pressure. When you release the air comes back up the line and will bubble up in the master. Air is lighter than the fluid so it will come back up quickly. Keep doing this until no more bubbles are coming back to the master. There will be some air trapped in the caliper so once the bubbles stop coming back up into the master then pump up and bleed the caliper at the bleeder.
10 minutes tops if the mast is good and you have no air leaks.
10 minutes tops if the mast is good and you have no air leaks.