I've been searching for one of his set ups and I can not find it. Does anybody know where to find his clutch set ups? They use to be on the tech page but they are not there. I have the 48-40 helix just looking for the secondary spring and twist that he liked to use. Thanks

Super Moderator
http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/tuning page.htm. they are still there? If not these not sure which ones your looking for.
TY Forums > Yamaha Sleds > SRX, Viper.... > clutching
View Full Version : clutching
04-20-2007, 10:54 AM
What sled do you own? If it is a 700 SRX like it says in your signature run stock weights; change inner rivet from a 3.6 gram to a 4.5 gram. Change primary spring to a w-w-w. Get an advant-edge 48/40 helix ; yamaha green secondary spring & run it at 60 wrap.
View Full Version : clutching
04-20-2007, 10:54 AM
What sled do you own? If it is a 700 SRX like it says in your signature run stock weights; change inner rivet from a 3.6 gram to a 4.5 gram. Change primary spring to a w-w-w. Get an advant-edge 48/40 helix ; yamaha green secondary spring & run it at 60 wrap.
marty f
New member
I have this setup 4.5gram weight green secondary at 60deg twist 48/40 helix