check your choke plungers


VIP Member
Jan 6, 2004
southeast washington state
Saw something today I have never seen before, but it makes sense I assume due to the sleds age.

Had a 98 SRX in today for hard starting issues. Figured the usual run of the mill dirty carb scenario so pulled and cleaned the carb rack to find nothing of concern. Hating to re-attach the choke cable while its in the sled, I left the assembly in tact by removing the lever and cable as a unit from the console.

Just for the hell of it I decided to adjust the choke cable on the bench vs on the sled since I really hate hooking that thing up after the fact. While fine tuning the adjustment, I noticed the pto carb plunger had no head left on it rendering it useless. Never seen that one before and really no indication as to why except my assumption of age and wear and tear.

Something to look at if you have any triple sled with a cold starting issue. Just thought I would pass it along, may be a one shot deal, I have never seen it before.
Makes sense and now it's something guys can look at now when having this problem. I would have never thought about that...
The part I was referring to is the brass plunger itself. On the end is a groove for the lever that attaches to the choke rod to pull out the plunger. The brass had fatigued and instead of being round and catching the lever it was worn flat on two sides and passing through the lever vs being pulled.

Plastic housing and rubber boot were in good shape and the plunger was not stuck. Plunger assembly is available oem.
It kind of sounds like the plunger had been kept under tension and vibration ate through it. I know on my carb set one of the plungers is closer to the lifting fork than the other 2 when I set it up. That's the one I have to reference when doing the cable adjustment.
