got a set of bender pipes on my 2000 sxr 700.bender says to cut the top of the box under the filter in front of the ports that are all ready there, and remove the shelf.i tried this, and it seems to have a bog, or hesitation, not as snappy.i have the other parts to put it back to stock, but was wondering if there are any other air box mods that i could try?should i just put the shelf back in?or should i try the air box mod in the engine section with the 7- 1 inch holes drilled?im sure that the pipes require more air than the stock pipe to make all the power they can deliver, just not sure about how much.anyone else with air box mods for the pipes?, and did you see any gains?
well allritey then,i put it back to stock for now.put the vent lines into the air box,and set all three needles at the stock setting.been reading alot of posts from different members on this site about the air box mod. most say dont, some say do it.i can see where a built engine, pipes, porting, etc could use some extra air, and was curious how many have had good results, but no one has anything to say?maybe everyone is too busy working on there sleds!!!but, 26 people viewed this post, and not one of you commented.maybe you are looking for answers like me, or you allready know but wont all about helping people make there yamahas rip,no secrets over here, just answers.maybe someone will shed some light on this?
Active member
This and running pod filters has been discussed a few times. They can make tuning inconsistent and most people stay with the stock setup and/or drilling the 1" holes. I ran without the shelve (i forgot to put in after a carb clean) and didnt notice any side effects.
New member
You answered your own question. You need to jet up pilots or turn screw out a bit...................SRXtreme
Backwoods M Max
New member
The air box mods are hit and miss. Some sleds are fine with it others hate it. I am personally gun shy of doing anything that modifies the stock intake. My first sled burned down from running uni snow pods. I'm all for making more air available to the stock box but I won't mess with them again.
New member
A burned down sled mean too lean. That means you would have had more power by jetting up. I run K&N's on all my sleds, took a little bit to get jetted but they make quite a bit more power too. Albeit my engines have a lot done to them too...................SRXtreme
ive been thinking about taking the shelf out on warm days to compensate for the warm temps.its better than pulling the carbs off to jet.also been thinking about fuel screw adjusters, buffalo bob makes them, and says they are great to use in all temps.really wakes the sled up on warm days, and you can adjust for cold nights too
i have a friend who did the air box mod with the holes,he actually jetted his sx stock pilots, and 142.5 mains,and stock needle settings.he says it rips,but im curious what the plugs look like,hes running stock pipe with the mod also.
do reed spacers lean the mixture?
I don't believe it will lean out the mixture,it just allows for a clearer path from what I've read about this mod.The stock reeds are too tight,or deep or something,and the spacers allow the reeds to function easier.Or something to that affect.
New member
fourbarrel is correct. The rear transfer is partially blocked by the reed block. The spacer moves the block out to create a clear path. Reed notch is the cheaper alternative, imho the spacer is the better...................SRXtreme