I'm feeling the itch to mod my sled, gotta get it working well first off tho, I saw a few that had Led lights in the vents and under the running boards, I have no battery, so was wondering how to do it, and noticed a Polaris switchback with projectors and angel eyes, I'd love to get a set on the Viper, that or do something to gain more light, I have some blue bulbs to try a red head with blue eyes a rare thing haha, I'd love to get some LEDs in the vents and in the engine Bay and under the running boards if I could, any advice??
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Sent from my D5106 using Tapatalk
Lil' Mtndreamer
New member
Hello, I have some advice if you want to put LEDs under the running boards just make sure you use strong adhesive because the snow and ice hit it
Lil' Mtndreamer
New member
And to wire them, just find a 12 dc power source.
New member
Check your sled's service manual. In my '97 SX700, it was pre-wired for electric start. So the regulator and wires were already there. All I had to do was add a small $20 sealed lead acid battery from the local Batteries Plus, connect it to the OEM wires, and I had a 12V source tied to the built-in charging system. When following the wiring diagram for the sled, follow the wires powering the Tach. It needs a 12V source so you'll often find the 12VDC side of your sled's circuit there. I used it for powering my GPS and Chatterbox. If you're running LED's you probably wont even need the battery unless you want it lit while you're parked.
I basically need to get a battery, the box, solenoid, and would have to splice into the harness, or find one that is from the factory like it, first off is replace the stator, here's a video of her, she runs well now tho
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Sent from my D5106 using Tapatalk
Oh about the 12v DC, the guy who owned it added a reverse and a 12v for a electric helmet visor
Sent from my D5106 using Tapatalk
Sent from my D5106 using Tapatalk
My buddy just set in a battery. He had a factory spot for it.They will run your led underglows for up to 9 days. Then recharge the battery. Wire a on off switch into it.
Lil' Mtndreamer
New member
The 12v for the helmet visor might be 12v AC Just make sure it's 12v DC
I have LED in the engine bay of my SRX and under the tunnel. I dont have a battery, i just found a wire that ran hot and tapped into it. Put about 1000 miles on last year with no issues. If your curious i can get you the website i got my lights from. Amd i can take some pictures of how i set mine up