i have an electric start and reverse setup for a 2000 sxr 700, and was wondering if i can use them on my wifes 2004 venom 600?is there anything specific that i should be looking for as far as electrical goes?im pretty sure the reverse will bolt right up, am i correct?
Super Moderator
both will work. All hook ups will be in the viper and the plug for the estart relay should be found behind right cowl. The reverse will bolt right up also, just gearing may be a bit different. Check on that also. Both of these have been covered very well and can be found in the tech section also. Its TY TECH found in header above.
reverse is in and works perfect,gotta cut the cowl for the lever, and electric start going in tomorrow!!!gearing is different, used to be 20-39 now is 22-39.still gotta hook up the beeper for reverse,any info on that?should i cut the parts sled harness? or is there an alternative?
Super Moderator
I just bought a beeper on line. So with factory install the beeper is a direct wire? Mine both just plugged in at left side cowel.
the wiring for the beeper is incorporated with the factory harness on the sxr. since im putting in electric start, i might just power it up from the battery
ha ha found the wires,they were right there behind the plastic,all wired, and ready to go