Terrence R
New member
I just picked up a 2002 viper. Works great. 13 000 Kms on the clock. Plugs are burning a nice chocolate tan/brown. I just noticed that my coolant is slowly going down and some keeps pooling up under the motor in the belly pan after its warmed up. I've been looking a bit, but it's hard to pin point where it's coming from. Heads and cylinders look dry. Is the water pump housing rubber gasket a good place to start? Do these have a reputation for leaking in any particular spot? Thanx.
likely leaking from the waterpump weep hole on bottom of case. take a mirror on a stick and see if its leaking at the bottom, common problem.
That and check the Philips screw around the carbs, it's a bleed screw, I had a similar problem, it was loose
Sent from my D5106 using Tapatalk
Sent from my D5106 using Tapatalk
Terrence R
New member
Ok. Thanx. I'll check both of those possibilities once I get home from work. If it is coming from the weep hole; does that mean it is likely a worn impeller seal?
yes, will need the mechanical seal and the impellar sealing washer replaced.