Insurance company telling me invalid vin number....99 srx made in 8/1998. Told them it was a 99 srx model, vin number is 3 letters followed by 6 numbers....this should be correct no?
Ownership says model is a 700, maybe that's the error since I told her it was an srx model?
Anyone ever have this issue?
Anyone ever have this issue?
Active member
yes thats correct if this is a 99 srx. the # on chassis for a 99 srx is 8dn2. 3:16x (yammie tony)
I've got an 8dw followed by 6 numbers on my tunnel sticker, same digits engraved in tunnel. On the sticker there is also a 8cr followed by 3 numbers, a letter and then 2 more numbers. I don't know what's going on! F me!
New member
My 99 srx has 8dn- then 6 numbers. Says it was manufactured in 7/98. I would guess someone replaced the tunnel or turned something else into a srx.
that's because most vin numbers are 17 digits long, Yamaha did not go to the 17 digit number system till 2002!! so all the early sleds will not have the 17 digit vins.
New member
According to the information on this link the 8dw is srx700 w/ohlins.
98 & 99 SRX 700 with Ohlins both used 8DW, the #'s following it made the year designation. I believe 99 started @ 005927
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Active member
8dw was used in 2000 also. these sleds were spring ordered with ohlins. 3:16x (yammie tony)
You're right, 2000 started with 007961
New member
i had this problem too when i went to register mine this summer.. insurance guy called me back and says " its coming up as a 2013 srx" i laughed at him.