98 venture 700 mods

Jan 22, 2012
berlin n.h.
i have my uncles sled in the shop right now, its a 97 venture 700.i was wondering if the 142.5 mains in all three cylinders and both washers on the needles should be on top just like i jetted my 2000 sxr 700.it seems lazy, like its too rich.will this mod work for this sled also?and how about the exhaust mod?its a red head tripple, so i was thinking it would be ok.please correct me if im wrong.reed stop notch?also are the shocks different in length from a 121 skid?he has a blown shock, and id like to change it out, just not sure about the length,and his are clicker type shocks vs aluminum body shocks.i have two shocks from a 97 sx skid kickin around.
I think you only need 142,5 at the pto and 141,3 on the other 2. Exhaust mod and reed stop notch and a thinner headgasket will wake it up, along with a custom clutch kit. Shocks from a 121 will fit right in.
My mechanic modded my 01 MM 700 according to my instructions, but I didn't do the exhaust can mod.
