VK 540III to VK 700III Build


New member
May 19, 2015
Hi everyone.
So I have been collecting some parts for a little while now figuring I want to do a little engine swap and sled build. What I have been thinking is building a bad *** VK, how you may ask well I am taking a VK chassis and stuffing a 700 triple into it, should be pretty cool once done and a whole lot more juice to boot! I was able to pick up a 2008 VK540III in really good shape just a bad motor for $500, I was also able to pick up a 2002 700 Venture donor sled for $300. Alas the 700 triple also has a blown MAG side piston, again what up with Yamaha and their mag side always being the first to go? that is 6 Yamaha motors I own all with bad MAG side pistons all of them with no skirt left. But any way it will need a new jug due to a little Nikasil flaking around the exhaust port. One nice thing about the 700 triples is the replacement parts are really affordable in comparison to others and plenty are available. I just wanted to wet some of your appetites and give you some pics to where I am so far. Sorry for the dirty old chassis pics but we are in the dead of winter here and pressure washing everything is not going to happen I guess I will just have to bucket wash it soon.


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The track size on the VK's is 20"X156". The really nice thing about it is the tub is all steel so welding up new motor mounts is going to be a breeze. I saw a you tube video where the guy took a turbo RX1 motor and mounted it in the VK chassis so this should be child's play in comparison.
OK so I did a little more work to the VK yesterday and today, If the boss finds out oh boy will I be in SHYT! But anyhow's I stripped it down to where I thought was adequate. I left the chain case in place for the time being because I will need to retain the jack shaft which bolts in super easy on the VK's to set up center to center and offset distances for the clutches, oh by the way thanks Totallyamaha for having these listed in the technical section. Back to the chassis I cleaned the best I could without using any water or my pressure washer, it's better but far from good. On we go, in the third pic you will notice a second motor mount which was liberated from one of my other VK's. Once I have figured out the distance needed between these two for the clearance of the steering shaft I will drill and bolt a heavy piece of angle iron to these which will hold the new motor mount level and true with the original one allowing me to weld it in place. OK that's it for now I better get back to work :)


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I was taking a quick look at the intake side motor mounts on the 700 motor this morning and I noticed the oil injection system plumbs some of it's oil directly into the main bearings of the crank. Does anyone know of anyone removing the injection system and running premix with success on these motors. Going premix would be my choice oiling system but??? Any help.
Interesting build. I used to run a SXR triple with 800cc and pipes, w/o oil pump, on premix. Bought it that way. Had no issues lubrication-wise. There was a piece of tube that I had to fill with oil to lube the water pump IIRC. I'd keep the oil injection if there's room for it though. Any particular reason why you want to go premix?
